- Close-up of4- D scan of the near full term foetus drinking the amniotic fluid. This helps prepare the digestive tract for life outside the womb. 从4-D扫描图的特写镜头可以看到,这个差不多足月的胎儿在吸食羊水。这有助于胎儿为迎接子宫外的生活锻炼消化系统。
- Serum levels of T3,T4,TSH, insulin ,cortisol and growth hormones in the cord blood of AGA infants of different gestational ages after 32 weeks of gestational age and in the pe ripheral blood of AGA full term infants in the first 7 days after birth. 本文报告了32周以后不同胎龄适于胎龄(AGA)儿脐血及足月AGA儿7天内血清中T_3、T_4、TSH、胰岛素、皮质醉及生长激素的水平,推荐作为我国南方的正常参考值;
- Close-up of 4-D scan of the near full term foetus drinking the amniotic fluid.This helps prepare the digestive tract for life outside the womb. 从4-D扫描图的特写镜头可以看到,这个差不多足月的胎儿在吸食羊水。这有助于胎儿为迎接子宫外的生活锻炼消化系统。
- The pregnancy went to full term(= lasted the normal length of time). 那次怀孕到了足月。
- The President of the U. S may campaign for reelection during the fourth year of the first full term in office. 美国总统在第一届任期的第四年可以再次竞选。
- An amendment to the United State constitution limit the president to two full term in office. 一项美国宪法修正案规定总统不能超过两届任期。
- An amendment to the United States Constitution limits the President to two full terms in office. 一项美国宪法修正案规定总统不能超过两届任期。
- Cesarean section (or C-section):Surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision at or before full term. 剖腹产术:即在胎儿足月时或足月前经腹部切口自子宫剖取胎儿的手术。
- Franklin Roosevelt served three full terms as President. 法兰克林。罗斯福整整当了三任的总统。
- American political leader who was the first Black politician to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate(1875-1881). 布鲁斯,戴维1855-1931澳大利亚医生和细菌学家,因解释了引起波型热或布氏杆菌病的细菌(1887年)而闻名
- Thus Mr Thaksin became the only prime minister in Thailand’s fitful democratic history to serve out his full term. 现在国王老迈而体弱,而其继承人,王储哇集拉隆功被宠坏过度、妻妾成群且要求苛刻,很不讨人喜欢。
- Thus Mr Thaksin became the only prime minister in Thailand's fitful democratic history to serve out his full term. 他信由此成为了泰国断断续续的民主史上唯一一位满任期在位的总理。
- And last week the Supreme Court ended its first full term with two Bush appointees. 而且上星期最高法院和二个布什被任命者结束了它的第一个完整的期限。
- All funds loaned under this private loan arrangement are bound for the full term of the loan. Early withdrawal requests shall not be honored. 所有的投资资金都将用来投资以达成预期的效益,提前申请支付是不允许的。
- Cesarean section (or C-section): Surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision at or before full term. 剖腹产术:即在胎儿足月时或足月前经腹部切口自子宫剖取胎儿的手术。
- Read our Full Terms of Service Agreement for more information on Links. 经过充分的服务协议,为连接更多资料。
- This ship was delivered and put into operation recently, so we have the copy of Full term DOC,but we have the Interim SMC for the ship. 这艘船最近才交接和投入营运,所以我们虽然有长期DOC副本,但本船只有临时SMC.
- I've always believed in living life to the full. 我总是相信生活要尽量充实。
- Currently I am serving as the State Assemblyman for Semambu, Pahang, Malaysia following my full term service previously in 2004. 现任士满慕区州议员,马华英迪拉马哥达区会主席,马华彭亨州联委会组织秘书、彭亨州志工团总团长。
- His working life was full of accidents. 他在一生的工作中遭遇了种种意料之外的事。