a groove or furrow in cloth etc (particularly a shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column)
用作名词 (n.)
Fluting and singing are heard all night. 笙歌不夜。
No hymn lifts my heart higher than the morning call of the bobwhite or fluting cry of sandhill cranes out of the sky at dusk . 北美鸠清晨的鸣唱或黄昏时天空中沙丘鹤笛鸣般的长吟,是任何赞美诗都无法媲美的。
Both the dark and the autumn had already made people feel sad, while the fluting of a certain someone often piled on the dreariness. 在暮色和秋色的双重苍凉里,往往不知什么人加上一阵笛音的苍凉。
But her smile is mysterious, as mysterious as the fluting from the depth of peaceful night, dimly discernible and capricious for ever. 但她的微笑却是神秘的,神秘得仿佛静夜里从远方传来的笛声飘飘缈缈令人永远无法捉摸。
Grinding is an extensively used method for tool fluting. 刀具螺旋槽磨削已成为通用的成型方法。
Other motifs from antiquity include the egyptian cartouche (oval), fretwork (banding) of capitals, fluting and reeding of columns. 其它的古代基本图案包括埃及涡卷形边框(椭圆形)、柱头的回纹(镶边)、圆柱的凹槽和凸嵌线。