- China has ample room for a stimulus because it boasts the healthiest fiscal position of any big economy. 中国有足够的空间来推动这些财政措施,因为在所有的大经济体中它的财政情况最为健康。
- An initially strong fiscal position is rapidly eroding, with the budget deficit heading for 12% of GDP this year. 随着今年的赤字将超过占GDP的12%25,西班牙起初强劲的财政状况迅速衰退了。
- What a far cry from the hoo-haa a few months ago over the US's deteriorating fiscal position and worries about runaway inflation. 这与几个月前对于美国财政状况日益恶化的大惊小怪和对通胀率如脱缰之马迅速上升的担忧,形成了天壤之别。
- While economic revival has started to refill the coffers, tomorrow's budget proposal for 2004/5 will be a reminder of Hong Kong's grim fiscal position. 虽然经济复苏已开始重新充盈香港的政府金库,但明天公布的2004/2005年预算案,将提醒人们关注香港严峻的财政形势。
- Indeed, China has the best fiscal position of any big country, giving the government plenty of room to cushion the economy if demand suddenly falls. 实际上,在所有大国中,中国的财政状况是最好的,这使得中国政府在需求突然下降时能有更大迂回空间。
- Unless the economy recovers its lost output, the fiscal position will demand tough spending cuts or huge increases in taxation. 除非经济恢复其丧失的产能,否则财政状况将需要大幅调降支出或大幅增加税收。
- Unlike in past downturns, the government's fiscal position was strong enough to allow it to pump up spending to see off trouble. 不同于过去的经济衰退,这次巴西政府的财务状况非常健全,足以让巴西砸下重金去摆脱面对的麻烦。
- Thanks to their careful management,we have a very solid fiscal position,steady revenues,well controlled expenditure and extremely strong financial reserves. 由于他们审慎理财,因此我们的财政状况非常稳健、收入稳定、收支平衡、财政储备十分雄厚。
- Thanks to their careful management, we have a very solid fiscal position, steady revenues, well controlled expenditure and extremely strong financial reserves. 由於他们审慎理财,因此我们的财政状况非常稳
- An early abandonment of the approach could cause bond yields to rise sharply, unless there is an unexpectedly dramatic improvement in the fiscal position. 除非财政状况出现超预期的改善,不然过早的取消量化宽松政策,可能会引起债券收益率的大幅上扬。
- Bears of the US argue that a deteriorating fiscal position brings down the curtain on the era of American hegemony and that accelerating relative economic decline is the new reality. 看跌美国的人士提出,日益恶化的财政状况降下了美国霸权时代的帷幕,新的现实是,美国经济相对他国的下滑将不断加速。
- However, the size of government bailouts required will mean significant deterioration of fiscal positions for most major economies and a dramatic rise in outstanding debt issues. 然而,政府的救助规模意味着大多数主要经济体财政状况将显著恶化,而且流通债券规模会大幅上升。
- That’s far less of a deficit than the country faced during the 2001-2003 recession, and means that Germany enjoys one of the soundest fiscal positions of any country in the world. 这种赤字程度远远低于德国在2001-2003年经济素衰退中所面临的,这意味着德国拥有一个世界上任何国家都无法比拟的坚实的财政基础。
- So fiscal positions are deteriorating and current account surpluses and deficits are dwindling everywhere, as the private sectors of deficit countries cut back their spending dramatically. 因此,随着赤字国家私人部门大幅削减自己的支出,各国的财政状况都在恶化,经常账户盈余和赤字都在缩小。
- In both countries, the principal offset will be a huge deterioration in fiscal positions, but external balances are also expected to improve, by 3.6 per cent and 3.2 per cent of GDP, respectively. 这两个国家的主要抵消手段将是财政状况的大幅恶化,但预计外部收支平衡状况也会有所好转,经常账户赤字将分别缩小GDP的3.;6%25和3
- This raises the big question: how and when might the world return to normality, with sustainable fiscal positions, strongly positive short-term official interest rates and solvent financial systems? 这就提出了一个重大问题:世界如何及何时能回归正常:拥有可持续的财政状况、明显为正数的短期官方利率、以及具有清偿能力的金融体系?
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- The girl is quite suited for the position [work]. 这姑娘很适合担任这个职务[这个工作]。
- I can live in clover when I get that position. 我得到那个职位便可过上优裕的生活。
- He bribes his leader to consolidate his position. 他贿赂他的领导来巩固他的地位。