"made an excellent speech"
"the school has excellent teachers"
"a first-class mind"
用作形容词 (adj.)
Springtime is the best season for dog-sledge tours and skiing although Greenland also offers first class summer skiing on glaciers and dog-sledge tours in the summer. 尽管格陵兰岛在夏季为人们准备好了上等的滑雪和狗拉雪橇的旅游活动,人们还是认为春季是进行这些活动的最佳季节。
Many of the terms used in the most matter-of-fact way this great assemblage of the first ladies and gentlemen in the land would have made a Comanche blush. 这一大群人明明都是国中最上等的绅士淑女,但是他们用最实事求是的态度说出话来,所用的字眼儿有许多都是让科芒契人听了都得面红耳赤的。