- The classification of DRO has been recommended and reflecting type DRO, feedback type DRO have been simulated and designed. 本文介绍了介质谐振振荡器(DRO)的分类,并对其中的反射式DRO 和并联反馈式DRO 进行了优化设计。
- ARQ mechanism in IEEE 802.16 can resolve the problems for data transmission on wireless link, but there is no appropriate solution for choosing the ARQ feedback types. IEEE 802.;16中规定的ARQ机制能够很好地解决无线链路上的数据传输问题,但是对于规定的几种ARQ反馈方式,协议并没有定义一个合适的选择算法。
- The analog-structure DCCs are usually implemented as feedback type to get better accuracy with relatively long locking time. 类比式架构通常为回授型,以较长的锁定时间来获得较精准的工作周期校正。
- Based on topology,the paper suggest ed an easy easy-to-learn and practical met hod to identify the feedback type of an electronic circuit. 以电路结构为出发点,提出了一种简单易记.;实用的方法来识别放大电路的反馈组态
- This paper exactly devises one kind of feedback type pressure sensor using the principle of electromagnetic force feedback balance bonding thePID-control algorithm. 闭环方式适用于测量精度要求很高但动态要求不高的场合。
- DUT source capacitance will also affect the noise performance of a feedback type ammeter. In general, as source capacitance increases, so does the noise gain. DUT的源电容也会影响反馈安培计的噪声性能。一般地说,源电容增加噪声增益也增加。
- external feedback type oscillator circuit 外反馈式振荡电路
- feedback type rotating amplifier 反馈型循环放大器
- electromagnetic feedback type generator 电磁反馈式振荡器
- external feedback type controller 外反馈控制器
- rhombic antenna of feedback type 回授式菱形天线
- feedback type current transformator 反馈式电流互感器
- feedback type current transformer 反馈式电流互感器
- external feedback type magnetic amplifier 外反馈形磁放大器
- position feedback type servovalve 位置反馈伺服阀
- external feedback type magnetic amplifie 外反馈型磁放大器
- Coral is formed by certain types of polyp. 珊瑚是由某些水螅体构成的。
- There are two types of rocks in this area. 这个地区有两种类型的岩石。
- The feedback from the computer enables us to update the program. 计算机的反馈能使我们更新程序。
- We can group animals into many types. 我们可以把动物分成很多种类。