- Here they threw themselves down together by the brink; and putting their mouths to the level of a starry pool, they drank their fill. 于是他们一起扑倒在河岸上,把嘴凑到星光闪烁的水面,喝了个痛快。
- At another place,where poor peasants had been excluded from temple banquets,a group of them flocked in and ate and drank their fill,while the local tyrants and evil gentry and other long-gowned gentlemen all took to their heels in fright. 又有一处地方,因禁止贫农进祠堂吃酒,一批贫农拥进去,大喝大嚼,土豪劣绅长褂先生吓得都跑了。
- At another place, where poor peasants had been excluded from temple banquets, a group of them flocked in and ate and drank their fill, while the local tyrants and evil gentry and other long-gowned gentlemen all took to their heels in fright. 又有一处地方,因禁止贫农进祠堂吃酒,一批贫农拥进去,大喝大嚼,土豪劣绅长褂先生吓得都跑了。
- Mosquitos lit upon the exposed skin on my face, hands, and feet, biting me at will and drinking their fill of my blood. 蚊子在我裸露的脸上、手上、脚上叮着,尽情咬我,畅饮我的鲜血。
- drank their fill v. 喝个够(尽量喝)
- They built a fire and drank their whiskey. 他们升起篝火,喝威士忌。
- The sailors drank their daily allotment of rum. 水手们喝掉了他们每天分到的朗姆酒
- I think our eyes have had their fill of this. 我们就看到这里为止吧。
- drink their fill vi. 喝个够(尽量喝)
- Many sailors drink their wives and children out of doors. 不少海员因沉溺于酒以致妻儿一贫如洗。
- Now Jenny and Li Ming can drink their tea! 现在,詹妮和李明可以喝他们的茶了。
- Consumers may in any case have had their fill of borrowing. 消费者再也没有钱可以借了。
- As the ladies drank their tea, conversation began to flow. 女士们饮茶时,话题滔滔不绝。
- drunk their fill v. 喝个够(尽量喝)
- If after eating their fill and having a good sleep,they feel like doing some "suppression",that is up to them. 因为他们吃了自己的饭,又睡足了觉,他们要“剿”,那也只好随他们的便。
- The three men drank their wine slowly, finished off the jug and called for more. The owner did not reappear. 那三个人不慌不忙地喝着葡萄酒,把那一壶喝完了之后,喊着还要些。
- To eat their fill and dress warmly were the fundamental demand of the Chinese people who had long suffered cold and hunger. 吃饱穿暖,这是长期陷于饥寒交迫困境的中国人民的最低要求。
- The adults drank their tea in a ceremonious manner, and the children imitated them. 大人们客套地喝着茶,孩子们模仿着他们。
- If after eating their fill and having a good sleep, they feel like doing some "suppression", that is up to them. 因为他们吃了自己的饭,又睡足了觉,他们要“剿”,那也只好随他们的便。
- The adults drank their tea in a ceremonious manner,and the children imitated them. 大人们客套地喝著茶,孩子们模仿著他们。