- Heavy Abrasive Belt Grinding Machine for Reducing the Thickness of Engine Connecting Rod Head 发动机连杆端头减薄高效强力砂带磨削机床
- connecting rod head 连杆端
- The connecting rod may drive a valve stem directly. 连杆可以直接带动阀门的把柄。
- The connecting rod is made from forged alloy steel. 连杆由锻造的合金钢制成。
- The connecting rod or drops Happy Or blessing. 牵手或放手。幸福。或祝福。
- Connecting rod tip are fitted with roller bearings. 连杆大端装配者滚柱轴承。
- The rod-bearing cap attaches the connecting rod to the crankpin. 连杆轴瓦盖将连杆安装到曲轴销上。
- Cylinder Head, Cylinder Liner, Connecting Rod, Piston, Piston Ring, Fan Clutch and Engine Valve etc. 主营气缸盖,气缸套,活塞,活塞环,离合器,引擎气门等。
- The connecting rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin. 连杆与活塞的连接是采用活塞销。
- Cylinder head, Cylinder Block, Crankshaft, Liner, piston, piston ring connecting rod, valves, turbochargers etc. 缸盖、缸体、曲轴、缸套、活塞、连杆、气门、活塞环、活塞销、增压器等;
- The connecting rod actuates the driving wheels of a locomotive. 连杆激活铁路机车的传动轮
- The piston pin joins the piston to the connecting rod. 活塞销把活塞和连杆连接起来。
- A piston links to a drive shaft by means of a connecting rod. 活塞通过连杆与驱动轴相连。
- The lower end of the connecting rod fits the crankshaft journal. 在连杆大头安装曲柄轴颈。
- Install connecting rod bolt protectors on rod bolts. 在连杆螺栓上安装连杆螺栓保护件。
- The crank end of the connecting rod is sometimes called the rod "big end". 连杆的曲轴有时称为“大头”。
- Reliability evaluation of nodular graphite cast iron connecting rod. 球墨铸铁连杆可靠性评估。
- By making a force triangle, the force in the connecting rod can be determined. 作出力的三角形,可以决定连杆中的力。
- The connecting rod carries the power thrusts from the piston to the crankpin. 连杆的作用是将活塞承受的压力传给连杆轴颈。
- If any other requirements for piston rod head, U type ring width of cylinder lid, and diameter of pin are needed when placing an order, it is recommended to use our existing forged pieces. 订货的场合,如果对活塞杆头、油缸盖的U形环的宽度、销子的直径等尺寸方面另有要求时,建议采用能够利用的本公司现有的模锻件。