- CFG pil; backfill soil; composite foundation; load test. CFG桩;填土;复合地基;载荷试验
- It is suggested that the CFG-pile method conforms to reality to calculate the settlement of the rigid-pile composit foundation if the strength of the soil is enough at the bottom of the pile. 通过本文的分析,提出对于桩端下卧层承载力较高的地基,应采用规范的CFG桩法计算复合地基的沉降。
- Composite foundation of CFG is a kind of rigid pile but kind of flexible. (5)CFG桩复合地基是一种具有某些柔性桩性质的刚性桩复合地基。
- Deep-mixed pile; Geosynthetics; Composite foundation; Geosynthetic-reinforced earth platform; Soft soil. 10深层搅拌桩;土工合成材料;复合地基;加筋垫层;软土地基
- Theoretical study of the DCTP and the DCTP composite foundation below the embankment is carried out in this thesis. 为此本文开展了对筒桩及路堤下筒桩复合地基的理论研究。
- The foundation researching the capacity of multi-clement composite foundation is very importment for designing. 摘要研究多元复合地基承载力对其设计具有重要意义。
- A case study of the application of the generalized composite foundation theory to highway engineering was discussed. 通过一个工程实例介绍了广义复合地基理论在高速公路工程中的应用。
- Research theory and numerical solution for inspecting liquefaction potentical of a composite foundation of sand-gravel columns II. 复合地基的液化检验理论及其应用2。
- Systematic in situ tests were carried out to study the bearing capacity of composite foundation with cement-soil piles in soft clay. 通过现场足尺试验;研究了软土中水泥土群桩的承载力特性.
- He sweated out his composition in several hours. 他苦干了几个小时才写出了作文。
- This study reveals that the bearing capacity of rigid pile composite foundation also can be increased by post grouting technique. 因此,钻孔灌注桩的后注浆技术同样可以提高刚性桩复合地基的承载力。
- In combination with field test, the load transfer behavior of multi-type-pile composite foundation has been analyzed by use of FEM. 利用有限元仿真手段,并结合现场试验结果,对多桩型复合地基的载荷传递机理进行了分析。
- He wrote a composition or (he) read an essay. 他写作文或读散文。
- By the discusion and analysis of gravel pile composite foundation bearing capacity and anti-liquefaction design,a new design method is presented. 通过对碎石桩复合地基承载力和抗震液化设计的对比和分析,提出了以承载力和抗震液化相互综合考虑的设计方法。
- His composition is far superior to mine. 他的作文比我的好多了。
- The long-term unconfined compression strength of cemented soil is the important design parameter of cemented soil mixed pile composite foundation. 水泥土的无侧限长期抗压强度是水泥土搅拌桩复合地基设计的重要参数。
- First, DCTP is introduced briefly.A general analysis of the current pile foundation and composite foundation theory is followed. 首先对筒桩进行简单的介绍,并对目前桩基及复合地基理论进行概况分析。
- Finally, the paper educes some conclusions and puts forward some prospect about the work should be do of CFG pile composite foundation. 3、最后,通过前面的研究得出了相关结论,并对今后CFG桩复合地基需要努力的方向做了展望。
- A slow, mournful musical composition. 庄重悲哀的乐曲节奏缓慢,庄重悲哀的音乐作品
- LIU He-yuan,LIU Song-yu.Research on the behavior of overlong DJM composite foundation[J].Journal of Southeast University,1999,29(2):63-69. [2]刘和元;刘松玉.;超长水泥土搅拌桩复合地基性状研究[J]