- He wore a sprig of lilac in his button hole. 他在钮孔上面插了一小枝丁香。
- He wore a sprigof lilac in his button hole. 他在钮孔上面插了一小枝丁香。
- The collar has a tab with a button hole. 那个衣领有一个小垂片,片上有一个钮扣孔。
- Made in U.S.A Main function: Lock Stitch button hole with roundtip. 该机产地美国主功能圆头锁眼。
- When I walk with you I feel as if I have a flower in my button hole. 当我跟你一块走的时候,我觉得象是在(上衣领子上的)钮孔里插上了一支花似的。
- Button holes are very hard to sew. 要缝钮扣洞非常难。
- LT FLY: 2 piece with button hole placket. 1 3/4\'\'SNTS for J-stitch extenting to top edge of WB. 左门襟:两片的;锁扣眼;外层的13/4"宽的单针J形线一直延伸到腰顶.
- Bartracking for various kinds of clothing such suits, jeans and workclothes, also applicable for eye-let button hole tacking. 适用于西服、牛仔裤等各类服装受力部位固结制圆头纽孔缝尾加固、及缝锁顶圆。
- Bar tacking for various kinds of clothing such as suits, jeans and work clothes, also applicable for eye-let button hole tacking. 适用于西服、牛仔服等各类服装的受力部位加固节缝制和圆头纽孔缝尾加固,及缝锁伞顶圆。
- Bar tacking for various kings of clothing such as suits,jeans and work clothes,also applicable for eye-let button hole tacking. 适用于西装、牛仔服等各类服装的受力部位加固节缝制和圆头纽孔缝尾加固,及缝锁伞顶圆。
- Bartacking for various kinds of clothing such suits, jeans and work clothes, also applicabe for eye-let button hole tacking. 适用于西服、牛仔裤等各类服装受力部位固结制圆头纽孔缝尾加固、及缝锁伞顶圆。
- Two upper set-in chest pockets with snap-down scalloped flaps. Flaps shall have a nonfunctional button hole with a metal (gold-gilt) “ P ” button attached to the button hole. 是不是一个袋盖上一枚带P字母的金属装饰扣,但是附在扣眼里又是什么意思,装饰扣好象不用扣眼吧?
- Untidy trimming at button hole. 钮门缐剪缐欠理想。
- I lost a button hole today. 今天我丢了一个钮扣孔。
- Never poke a finger or scissors into an electric socket. 千万不要把手指或剪刀插进电源插座。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- Make a nick in the cloth with the scissors. 用剪子在布料上剪个缺口。
- There is a pair of scissors in the bottom drawer. 最底下的抽屉里有把剪刀。
- Later the trouser legs were provided with button holes at the side and were fastened with a clasp over the stockings. 罗可可后期裤腿两侧带有扣眼,裤口可以在长统袜外用扣子系住。
- She took a pair of scissors and cut the string. 她拿了一把剪刀把绳剪断。