Apart from clothes and bedding, I have nothing. 我除了行李被褥之外一无所有。
I put some fresh bedding on the bed. 我在床上铺上一些干净的被褥。
If you wish to have a warm and comfortaBle world, please come to our Bed linens store. 若想拥有一个充满舒适与温馨的世界,请君光临本床上用品商店。
Hello Kitty's likeness appears on everything from baby blankets to bed linens to wall art, and twice a year costumed actors visit to help soothe patients. 凯蒂猫的肖像出现在从婴儿毛毯到床上用品,以及墙上的涂鸦,另外穿着凯蒂猫服装的演员每年两次的到访,都是帮助缓解患者的痛苦。