an uncomfortable feeling in the mind usually caused by the fear or expectation that sth bad will happen
a cause of anxiety
a feeling of worried eagerness
(psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic
a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune
用作名词 (n.)
It proved difficult to disguise his anxiety. 他的焦虑难以掩饰。
They show great anxiety concerning their retirement allowance. 他们对自己的养老金问题显得十分焦虑。
This has caused us much anxiety. 这事使我们极为担心。
Some anxiety still lurked in her mind. 她心里还暗暗地有点不放心。
His anxiety for knowledge is to be praised. 他对知识的渴求应该受到称赞。
用作名词 (n.)
And now a new anxiety seized me. 现在我又不由得提心吊胆起来。
His anxieties diminished. 他的忧虑减轻了。
Her anxieties deepened with each passing day. 她的忧虑与日俱增。
His anxieties kept him awake overnight. 忧虑使他一夜未眠。
All these anxieties make him look pale and tired. 这一切担惊受怕使他面色苍白,疲惫不堪。
All his cares and anxieties made him look quite old. 操心及忧虑使他显得苍老。
The anxieties of the past week had left her exhausted. 前一个星期种种令她焦急的事使她疲惫不堪。
This has caused us much anxiety. 这使我们十分焦急。
Mothers feel anxiety when their children are sick. 孩子病了母亲总是很焦急。
The doctor's report removed all their anxieties. 医生的报告消除了他们所有的忧虑。
After listening to his advice she had no more anxieties. 听了他的劝告之后,她不再忧虑了。
You have no reason for anxiety. 你没有理由担忧。
Her son is a source of considerable anxiety. 她的儿子总是令她牵肠挂肚。
He was surprised by the triviality of her anxieties. 她对琐碎小事的忧心忡忡使他感到惊讶。
Lack of money is one of his chief anxieties. 资金不足是他主要的焦虑之一。
He received the news of his father's sickness with great anxiety. 他得知父亲生病的消息时焦急万分。
~+ prep. -phrase
Her anxiety about the science test increased as it grew nearer. 随着科学考试的日益临近,她愈发忧虑起来。
As his confidence in his work increased, his anxieties about it diminished. 随着工作信心的增加,他对工作的担心逐渐减少了。
His speech removed all anxieties about higher prices. 他的讲话消除了人们对涨价的忧虑。
His statement was an attempt to allay public anxieties about the economic situation. 他的声明意在缓解公众对经济形势的忧虑。
You need have no anxiety about that. 你不用为那事操心。
He felt anxiety about the possible loss of his job. 他对自己有可能失业感到忧心忡忡。
In his anxiety about the trip, he forgot to pay his rent. 他急着要去旅行,把付房租的事儿给忘了。
He is full of anxiety about that matter. 他对那件事很焦急。
There's a lot of anxiety among the staff about possible job losses. 工作人员都很忧虑,担心可能失业。
Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about their first day at school. 小孩子对第一天上学通常都感到很紧张。
His anxiety for knowledge deserves our praise. 他对于知识的渴望,值得我们赞扬。
The British fail to comprehend the deep European anxiety for progress towards unification because Britain hasn't been invaded since 1066. 英国人不理解欧洲大陆的人对欧洲一体化进程的深刻忧虑,因为英国自1066年后未受到过外族侵占。
He felt strong anxiety for her safety. 他十分担心她的安全。
He expressed his anxiety for his son's safety. 他说他担心儿子的安全。
She expressed anxiety for a new dictionary. 她渴望得到一本新字典。
Jim's illness is just another anxiety for his poor mother. 吉姆的病是又一件让他那可怜的母亲揪心的事儿。
Everyone has anxieties of their own. 各人有各人的烦恼。
It should represent the views and anxieties of party members to the cabinet. 它应当向内阁反映党员们的看法和忧虑。
Traffic jams, bad housing, too much concrete and too little grass are the main anxieties of people who live in urban areas. 交通阻塞、住房紧张、高楼林立和绿地减少是令都市居民焦虑不安的主要问题。
This can lead to unnecessary anxiety over a child's quite normal behaviour. 这可能使人们对一个小孩十分正常的行为产生不必要的忧虑。
That was a great anxiety to me. 那件事成了我的一大心病。
Her sick child is a great anxiety to her. 孩子生病使她十分担忧。
Tom's foolish behaviour caused great anxiety to his parents. 汤姆的愚蠢行为使父母非常担忧。
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What he did yesterday showed his anxiety to please his customers. 他昨天的所作所为表明他很着急去邀请他的顾客。
Tom's anxiety to succeed led him to work hard. 汤姆对成功的渴望使他努力工作。
In his anxiety not to offend them, he agreed to concessions. 因为怕得罪他们,他同意让步。
The manager expressed anxiety that it should be done in no time. 经理担心的是没有时间去做这些事。