- angle setting scale 尺度标尺
- This paper emphatically introduced the reformation scheme of cone angle setting mechanism on warper. 重点介绍了整经机上圆锥角调节机构的改进方案。
- A second method is to furnish the surfaces with hinges and to use an exterior sector with drilled holes for each angle setting. 第二种方法是在翼面上装置铰链,用一个对不同安装角钻有不同孔的外部扇形件与之配合。
- Guangzhou Camay Technology, founded in 1998, is a resin Set Design, Set scale manufacturing sales for the overall integration of the professional enterprises. 广州佳美工艺成立于1998年,是一家集树脂造型设计,规模制造集整体销售为一体的专业企业!
- The cruciform biaxial tensile experiment method was also developed, where the strain in two directions in the central square section is measure by two cross set scale meters. 建立了十 字形双向拉伸试验研究方法, 利用引伸实现了试件中心区两轴变形的动态测量,编制了相应的测控 软件,实现了位移和拉力比例加载及非比例加载。
- A better connection for digital protection is also proposed,which takes the inter phase voltage as the input of the directional element at low voltage side and make interior angle setting easier. 最后针对数字式保护的特点 ,采用与中、高压侧相间电压满足同相位关系的低压侧相间电压差作为方向元件的电压量的接线方式 ,提出了一种更好的、使内角整定计算更为方便的功率方向元件的接线方式。
- Preserve better solution at present, and with the set scale of population, choose the subgeneration population for the next reproduction (Bred the fittest, eliminate the unfit );Step8. Step7.;保留当前最好解,并以既定的群体规模,选择下一次繁殖的子代群体(适者繁殖,不适者被淘汰);
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle. 她把帽子歪戴着,一副俏皮的样子。
- Setting up this business was a bit of a gamble. 开办这样的公司有点冒险。
- Twist the knob to the right setting. 把旋钮拧到适当的定位挡上。
- She hit her knee against the angle of the bed. 她的膝盖撞到床角上了。
- Setting out it business is no easy job. 开始做生意可不是容易的活儿。
- We recovered lost time by setting out early. 我们提前出发从而把损失的时间补了回来。
- I know you want to angle for compliments. 我知道你想取得别人的赞扬。
- The river burned crimson in the setting sun. 河流被落日映照成深红色。
- The setting sun glorified the scene. 落日使景色更美。
- Nonlinear optimization model and algorithm of urban curb parking setting scale 城市路内停车设置规模非线性优化模型及其算法
- We would like to hear your angle in this dispute. 我们想听听你在这场争论中的观点。
- The roof of the house pitched at a 45°angle. 屋顶倾斜四十五度。