- Identification of alternative technology sources. 识别备选的技术来源。
- Clean combustion technology of CFB is ideal alternative technology for air pollution controlling of industrial coal-fired boiler. 循环流化床洁净燃烧技术,是燃煤工业锅炉大气污染控制理想的替代技术。
- The paper discusses the current research situation of halon alternative technology,the related achievements as well as its development tendency. 文章阐述了目前哈龙替代技术的研究状况、相关科研成果及替代技术的发展趋势。
- The hyper-granularity immingling technology is inefficent with small decrypted programs, then instruction set alternation technology based on a thin virtual machine was proposed. 摘要超粒度混杂技术对于小型解密程序效率低下,为此提出了基于瘦虚拟机的指令集交替技术。
- Because LCD technology is improving so rapidly,it is affecting the development of alternative technologies by closing windows of opportunity. 由于LCD技术发展非常快,它正在影响到其它技术的开发,不给它们机会。
- Through application of reservoir deep flow alternation technology in well L106-4 in L106-1 fault block,oil pressure has risen 2 MPa,the value of PI 2.6 MPa. And the injection profile is greatly modified,and cumulative incremental oil is 1678 t. 通过在L10 6-1断块的L10 6-4井应用 ;水井油压上升了 2MPa ;PI值上升了 2 .;6MPa;吸水剖面得到了改善;对应油井累计增油 1678t;效果显著。
- Because LCD technology is improving so rapidly, it is affecting the development of alternative technologies by closing windows of opportunity. 由于lcd技术发展非常快,它正在影响到其它技术的开发,不给它们机会。
- Therefore, there is an urgent need for an alternative technology or cryptography added to the technique, which should be decoded in the data content can continue to protect the data content. 因此,迫切需要一种替代技术或是对密码学进行补充的技术,该技术应该在数据内容被解密后也能够继续保护数据内容。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
- Pilar Beneito.Choosing among alternative technological strategies:an empirical analysis of formal sources of innovation[J].Research Policy,2003(32). 徐细雄;万迪昉.;基于行为理论的企业技术创新策略选择[J]
- The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology. 激光唱片是当代技术的奇葩。
- The high-tech minor enterprises mainly face alternative technological innovations: one is the choice of technological opportunities and the other is the choice of product market. 在技术创新的道路上,中小型高新技术企业主要面临两种选择:一是技术机会的选择,二是产品市场的机会选择。
- The science and technology of space flight. 航天学,宇宙航行学研究宇宙飞行的科学及技术
- Should be acceptable on alternant working time. 能适应三班的生产运作时间。
- Large scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved. 大工业只是随着技术发展而逐渐开始存在的。
- Some users like alternant sex put in. 有些用户喜欢交互性的投放。
- I'd like to borrow a book a book on computer technology. 我想借一本计算机技术方面的书。
- He's keeping an eye out for modern trends in space technology. 他密切注意空间技术方面的新趋势。
- Analysis of the theory of alternative technology 替换技术论浅析
- Radar technology; a radar installation. 雷达技术; 一个雷达站