- X线高千伏摄影 X-rays kilovolt photography
- 间接DR拍摄正位胸片的适宜管电压为80~100 kV,高千伏摄影不再适用于DR。 The optimal tube potential for chest DR is considered to be 80~100 kVp,while the high KV technique is no longer suitable for digital equipment.
- 高千伏x线摄片机 high-KV X-ray shoot apparatus
- 高千伏摄影 high kilovoltage radiography
- 在线 in-line
- 碘化铯/非晶硅数字摄影系统拍摄胸片的适宜管电压:高千伏摄影是否适用于间接DR Optimal Beam Tube Potential for the CsI/a:Si Flat Panel Digital Chest Radiography:Whether High KV Technique Still Suitable for Digital Equipment
- X线CR摄影 X-ray computer radiography(CR)
- 瞄准线高 height of sight-line
- 乳腺X线摄影 Mammography
- 黄青线高、低凝点原油混输时出站油温的确定 Determining Temperatures of Petroleum Mixed with High and Low Solidification Point out of the Station in Huangqing Pipeline
- X线人类学 roentgenographic anthropology
- 高千伏X射线摄影 High-kV radiography
- 未掺杂纳米线高电阻与其晶体微结构光电性质 On Photo-electric Properties of Nanwire Mosfet with Its Crystal Microstructure
- X线两档 Two X-ray energy modes
- 经脉线高导声状态与筋膜组织结构关系的探讨 A Discussion on the Relation between High Sound-conducting State of Meridian Courses and the Histological Structure of Fascia
- X线系统 X- ray system
- CSP线高强度细晶热轧板的混晶和变形拉长晶粒的成因 Formation of mixed grain and deformed elongation grain of high strength fine grain steel strip produced on CSP line
- X线检测 X-ray detection
- 显示方式四位高亮度LED数码显示101线高分辨率光柱显示, Display mode: four bit high brightness LED digital display, 101 lines high resolution light column display
- X线引导 X-ray guided