- Fortunately, a little under the peach happiness call love like the stars of the broadcast time!!!!!! 幸运日桃花小妹下一站幸福呼叫大明星爱似百汇的播出时间!!
- Do you know the warm progress under the stars? 你知道星空下温暖的成长吗?
- A very nice set of glasses came under the hammer yesterday. 昨天拍卖了一套很精致的玻璃杯。
- He did it under the acquiescence of his boss. 他是在上司的默许下做这件事的。
- He deceived them under the veil of charity. 他借慈善事业为名欺骗了他们。
- I love sleeping under the stars! 我喜欢睡在星光下!
- She was pinned under the wreckage of the car. 撞毁的汽车把她压在下面动弹不得。
- We can sing under the light from the star that I know of, where people in love can forget about worldly affairs. 在我熟悉的星光下,也就是在相爱的人彼此可以忘掉俗物的地方,我们可以歌唱。
- We made camp under the shade of trees. 我们在树荫下宿营。
- He writes under the name of Nimrod. 他用尼姆罗德这个名字写作。
- His army never came under the yoke of invaders. 他的军队从来不向侵略者屈服。
- The circular chromatic number of a graph is a natural generalization of the chromatic number of a graph introduced by Vince in 1988 under the name " the star chromatic number " . 一个图G的圆色数x_c(G)是图G的色数x(G)的自然推广,最初是由Vince于1988年以“星色数”的定义提出来的。
- Most of the iceberg is under the water. 冰山的大部分在水面以下。
- Under the mountain there is a network of caves. 这座山里有许多相通的洞穴。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- The children love to sleep out in tents, under the stars. 孩子们喜欢在户外星空下的帐篷里睡觉。
- The dam burst under the weight of water. 那水坝在水的压力下决口了。
- He broke under the strain of heavy work. 他在繁重工作的压力之下累坏了。
- He cheated us under the guise of friendship. 他以友谊为掩护欺骗了我们。
- The baby's legs flailed under the quilt. 小孩的两条小腿在被子下面乱动。