- It is a great folly to try to persuade him. 试图说服他未免太愚蠢了。
- Don't waste your breath trying to persuade him. 别白费口舌去劝他了。
- Doctors should try to persuade smokers to kick the habit. 医生应说服吸烟者戒烟。
- They tried to persuade her to commit perjury. 他们竭力说服她出庭作伪证。
- I am trying to persuade him to give up the attempt. 我正力图劝他放弃这种尝试。
- He's flogging a dead horse in trying to persuade people to use canals instead of roads. 他拼命地劝人不要使用公路而去使用运河,真是枉费口舌。
- What are they trying to persuade you buy? 他们试图说服你买些什么?
- Joan. I'm not trying to persuade you. 琼,我不是想试图说服你。
- It is no use trying to persuade him. 试图说服他是没有用的。
- Are you trying to persuade or learn? 是说服还是学习?
- We will try to persuade her to come to the party. 我们会尽力说服她来参加派对。
- The salesman tried to persuade her to buy his goods. 那个推销员试图说服她买他的东西。
- Try to persuade him to let us go with him. 尽量说服他让我们与他一起去。
- We'll try to persuade him into giving up smoking. 我们要设法说服他戒烟。
- Well, in that case, I'll not try to persuade you. 既然是这样,我也不劝你了
- When i was gloomy, i would try to persuade. 力说服自己,但是当平静下来时,人也就麻木了。
- I've tried to persuade him to change his mind but he's adamant. 我竭力劝他改变主意,但他毫不动摇。
- I shall try to persuade her to see the doctor. 我将尽力劝她去看病。
- Try to persuade him to come with us. 设法说服他和我们一起走。
- Try to persuade her to eat a little. 试着劝她吃点东西。