- The mantle flow controls the plate movement and the distribution of ocean ridges, subduction zones, and collision zones. 地幔流动对地表板块运动、海洋中脊和中隆、俯冲带和碰撞带的分布起着控制作用。
- It is a collision zone between Jiangnan landmass and Cathaysia landmass. 它是江南陆块与华夏陆块神功运动形成的碰撞拼贴带。
- The subduction and oceanic-ridge ophiolitic suites may be discriminated in the Shiquanhe zone. 证实狮泉河带内存在洋脊蛇绿岩套,狮泉河带存在俯冲;
- Most subduction zones and continental collisions, such as the circum-Pacific subduction zone and the collision zone between the India and Eurasia plate, are under compression. 模拟计算结果表明,大部分俯冲带及大陆碰撞带区域应力均呈现挤压特征,如环太平洋俯冲带及印度-欧亚碰撞带等;
- However, the effect of the extensional forces from the subduction zone on the intraplate stress field is relatively small. 而来自俯冲消减带的 拉张作用力对板内应力场的作用相对较小。
- Based on the S wave velocity structures of different paths and former data, we infer that the subduction of the Indian Plate is delimited nearby the Yalung Zangbo suture zone. 根据不同路径的 S波速度结构和前人的资料 ,我们认为印度板块的俯冲可能以雅鲁藏布缝合带附近为界
- Subduction collision and orogeny 俯冲碰撞造山
- The metallogenesis is mainly controlled by collision zone, deep fault, large fault, basement rock, geomorphology, water series and hydrochemical environment. 成矿主要受碰撞带、深大断裂、大断裂及其派生断裂、基底岩石、地貌、水系和水化学环境等综合控制。
- He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。
- Situated in the western segment of the Bangong-Nujiang junction zone, Bangong Lake ophiolitic melange belt is the relics of subductional collision and extinction of the Mid-Tethyan Ocean. 摘要班会湖蛇绿混杂岩带位于班公湖-怒江结合带西段,是中生代特提斯洋消亡的遗迹。
- It is the structural composite relations that adjusted and absorbed the numerous southeastward displacement of continental mass extruded from the Tibet collision zone. 它我之间的几何关系表明变形属于中下地壳拆离带之上的壳内滑脱构造。正是这种构造组合关系调整和吸收了从西藏碰撞带中挤出的陆壳块体向东南的巨大位移。
- A third possibilty is that IVC colapsed primarily due to natural reasons (climate change, tectonic activity along the subduction zone along the Indo-Asian plate boundary) and that there was no Indo-Aryan invasion that took place. 印度河流域文明衰落的第三个可能是由于自然因素(气候改变,伴随着印度雅利安人进入的可建造区域减少),并没有印度雅利安人入侵的发生。
- He was badly concussed in the collision. 在猛烈碰撞时他的脑部受到严重损伤。
- Two major structures have been focused.One is the subduction zone beneath the southeastern Taiwan.The other is the Chao-Chou fault that separates the Central range and pingtung plain. 主要讨论的构造有二个,一是位在台湾东南部的板块隐没带,二是把中央山脉南段和屏东平原分隔开的潮州断层。
- Second, travel-time analyses of some particular later phases show that the subduction zone beneath the soueastern Taiwan area can be clearly described by the two-dimensional velocity structures. 二是针对特殊迟达波相的走时分析,本研究清楚绘出了在台湾东南部的板块隐没带二维速度构造;
- It also discusses the significance of paleodynamic environment alterations,from the subduction to transform of Californian type,and vice versa. 研究了从俯冲到加利福尼亚型转换和由后者又到俯冲的古地球动力学环境更替的意义。
- Accordingly, the subduction of the North China plate possibly initialed during the late times of the late Achaean. 这一研究表明华北块的消减作用可能始于晚太古代晚期。
- The nearside wing was damaged in the collision. 汽车碰撞时左侧的翼子板撞坏了。
- However, because of the very short lifetime of the collision zone, the highly excited quark-gluon system may spend a considerable fraction of its life in a nonthermalized, preequilibrium state. 然而,由于碰撞区域的寿命非常短,高度激发的夸克胶子系统主要处于一种非平衡、非热化的状态。
- In the late early Cretaceous, the NCC turned into contraction stage again by the influence of the subduction of Pacific plate and Indian plate. 早白垩世晚期该区受太平洋板块和印度洋板块俯冲作用影响,华北板块再次转入挤压作用阶段,开始了滨太平洋域的演化。