- SiCp/Al基复合材料 SiCp/Al MMCs
- SiCp增强Al基复合材料 SiCp reinforced Al matrix composite
- 亚微米SiCp/Al基复合材料 Sub-micrometer SiCp/Al composites
- 基 radical
- SiC/Al基复合材料 SiC/Al composites
- SiC-5%(体积分数)Al基复合材料 SiCp-5vol. %25 Al composite
- Ni-Al基 Ni-Al based
- Al基合金 Al-based alloy
- 硅酸铝短纤维增强镁基复合材料的界面反应及其热力学分析 Interface reaction and thermodynamic analysis on the magnesium alloy matrix composite reinforced with alumina silicate short fibers
- Al基钎料 Al matrix filler metal
- 速度和压力对SiCp增强铝基复合材料摩擦磨损性能的影响 Influences of Velocity and Pressure on the Tribological Properties of SiCp Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites
- Ti-Al基合金 Ti-Al-based alloy
- SiCp/6066Al铝基复合材料工艺优化及弹性模量的数值模拟 Process Optimization and Numerical Simulation of Elastic Modulus for SiCp/6066Al Matrix Composites
- Al基轴承合金 Al-based bearing alloy
- 木基复合材料 wood-based composite
- Fe-Al基阻尼合金 Fe-Al based damping alloys
- 锌基复合材料 Zn-based composite
- Fe-Cr-Al基合金 Fe-Cr-Al based alloy
- B4C基复合材料 boron carbide based composite
- 紧耦合气雾化制备Al基合金非晶粉末的研究 Preparation of Amorphous Powders of Al-Based Alloy by Close-Coupled Gas Atomization