- Peridinium conicoides n. 双曲多甲藻
- The conicoid can be generated by the program. 可生成各种二次曲面、计算船舶静水力。
- Secondly, the initial normal vector will be improved by conicoid least square. 然后,采用最小二乘进行二次曲面拟合进行修正。
- A measure error which is approximated to a conicoid was discovered in the measurement of Linnik Interferometry System. 在应用林尼克结构干涉测量系统进行测量时,发现系统存在一个近似为二次曲面的测量误差。
- The method, firstly, grids the precipitation amount by conicoid, then judges and traces isoline and brings forward a way of how to avoid connection uncertainty of isoline. 该方法首先用二次曲面对不规则站点雨量进行格网化,然后在格网上对等雨量点进行判断、追踪以及在追踪过程中如何消除追踪的二义性。
- The conicoid model(CFM) is the best model for transforming GPS height in the engineering practice,but there is no proof in theory. 在工程实践中,二次曲面模型在GPS高程转换过程中为较优的模型,可以达到三四等水准的要求,但没有在理论上得到阐述。
- The reflection and refraction of light on the rotational conicoid are studied. The formulas and a series of conclusions on imaging are obtained. 从焦点和焦点参数出发,研究光在旋转二次曲面上的折射和反射.
- We use least squre method to form conicoid mathematic model and fit the point cloud which has been grouped by octree subdivision method. 应用最小二乘法建立二次曲面的数学模型,对于已用八叉树分组的点云数据实现隐函数拟合。
- The closed mapping relationship between the 3 D position and attitude of a conicoid and its image contour is explicitly derived. 实验例证了此技术是快速、高效和鲁棒的。
- Dissolved organic P in the surface runoff from the Techi watershed, accounting for 30 % of TP, was the major source of P serving for the prosperity of the dominant algal species, Peridinium spp. 模拟之底泥溶解总磷负荷和溶解总磷外部负荷相当。
- The conicoid fitting method (CFM) and the neural networks method (NNM) are used for this purpose, but each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. 转换GPS高程通常采用二次曲面拟合法(CFM)和神经网络方法(NNM);但这2种方法各有优缺点.
- Comparing with the conicoid fitting method (CFM)to converse GPS height, the accuracy of the transform result with the CF &NNM method canimprove 20 percent. 作者还对该方法的实质进行了解析,与二次曲面拟合法相比,利用CF&NNM法转换GPS高程,其转换结果精度大约可提高20%25,具有推广价值。
- The method,firstly,grids the precipitation amount by conicoid,then judges and traces isoline and brings forward a way of how to avoid connection uncertainty of isoline. 该方法首先用二次曲面对不规则站点雨量进行格网化,然后在格网上对等雨量点进行判断、追踪以及在追踪过程中如何消除追踪的二义性。
- The rotational conicoid lens formulas of the focal length, the optical power and the image are deriued correctly according to the image method one by one. 利用逐次成像法,正确导出了同一介质中旋转二次曲面透镜的焦距、光焦度和成像公式。
- The method is suitable for computer programming and its calculation results are accurate.It fully unifies the asphericity calculation for conicoid and high-order aspheric surface. 该方法适于计算机编程,计算结果准确,且可完全统一二次曲面和高次非球面的非球面度计算。
- Abstract: The reflection and refraction of light on the rotational conicoid are studied. The formulas and a series of conclusions on imaging are obtained. 文摘:从焦点和焦点参数出发,研究光在旋转二次曲面上的折射和反射.
- Normally,the conicoid fitting method (CBt) and the neural network method (NNM) are used forconverting a GPS height into a normal height. But, each of them has its own advantagesand disadvantages. 转换GPS高程通常使用二次曲面拟合法和神经网络方法,但这两种方法各有优缺点。
- Experimental results show that the subpixel localization precision of HFA can reach 0.25 pixel. It has greatly decreased computative cost under the comparisons with conicoid fitting algorithm and Gaussian fitting algorithm. 实验表明:与常用的高斯拟合或二次曲面拟合方法相比;双曲面拟合方法在定位精度上为0.;25个像素;而计算量大为减少
- For solving the difficulties of machining aspheric optical parts,a new principle of normal equidistance line offsetting methods is put forward,machining method for rotated conicoid. 为了解决非球面光学零件加工难的问题,提出了法线等距离线法加工二次旋转曲面的新原理,并对其理论、成形机理及机床结构原理进行了研究,进而说明了该技术的优点。
- Normally,the conicoid fitting method (CBt) and the neural network method (NNM) are used forconverting a GPS height into a normal height.But, each of them has its own advantagesand disadvantages. 转换GPS高程通常使用二次曲面拟合法和神经网络方法,但这两种方法各有优缺点。