- Papilio maackii n. 绿带翠凤蝶
- Steroidal alkaloids from Veratrum schindleri and Veratrum maackii. Zhang Wei-dong(通讯作者);et al.
- Determination of Nutritional Components of Wild Plant L. Maackii Rupr. Maxim. 野生植物金银忍冬营养成分的测定。
- This paper described eight species of Papilio injurious to citrus in Guangdung Province. 柑桔凤蝶类是为害柑桔新梢和嫩叶的重要害虫。 笔者经多年在广东各地采集,饲养观察,发现在广东为害柑桔类的风蝶有下列八种:(1)桔黄凤蝶Papilio xuthus Linnaeus;
- Patterns in Nature: Butterflies Colorful gerbera daisies highlight the rich coloration of a spicebush swallowtail butterfly (Papilio troilus). 意译:蝴蝶在自然界的模式。华美的大丁草法国菊加亮区的丰富着色的钓樟属植物一种燕尾蝴蝶。
- A large swallowtail (Papilio troilus) of eastern North America that feeds on spicebushes, having dark forewings with yellow marginal spots and bluish-green hindwings. 乌樟凤蝶:一种产于北美洲东部的大凤蝶(北美乌樟凤蝶凤蝶属),以美国山胡椒为食,前翅颜色深暗且边缘具有黄色斑点,后翅则为蓝绿色
- Veratrum maackii Regel. [医] 毛穗藜芦
- Cirsium maackii Maxim. 野蓟
- Papilio machaon L. 茴香虫
- Lonicera maackii Maxim. 金银忍冬
- Papilio memnon L. 美凤蝶
- Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Maxim. 金银忍冬
- Papilio Memnon with both female and male parts was discovered on Monday local time, at the Butterfly Park on Sentosa Island, the daily reported senior curator Ithnine Atan as saying. 海峡时报报道:世界上第一只雌雄同体的人工培育蝴蝶,在新加坡的自然公园被发现。
- L. maackii Rupr. Maxim. 金银忍冬
- A Papilio Memnon with both female and male parts was discovered on Monday local time, at the Butterfly Park on Sentosa Island, the daily reported senior curator Ithnine Atan as saying. 海峡时报报道:世界上第一只雌雄同体的人工培育蝴蝶,在新加坡的自然公园被发现。
- The results were as follows:1 Under the stress of cadmium and lead contamination, leaves appeared chlorosis system, Cd~2+ treatment was the most obvious, the system of Acer mandshurica Max. and Lonicera maackii Max. 1 镉铅污染胁迫下,叶片出现失绿症状,以含镉处理最为明显,苗木中以白牛槭和金银忍冬最为突出。
- Papilio machaon cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus 金凤蝶胞质型多角体病毒
- Lonicera maackii ( Rupr. ) Maxim 金银忍冬
- Veratrum maackii ssp. formosanum [Chinese hellebore] 台湾毛穗藜芦
- Rooting experiment of hardwood cuttings of Euonymus maackii 白杜卫矛硬枝扦插前期生根试验