- Orange Slices and Fried Chops 橙汁排骨
- We cut it into thin slices and fry it. 我们把它切成薄片并用油煎。
- Decorate with the orange slice and cherry and serve with straws. 加一甜橙圆片和一马拉斯金樱桃装饰,插入吸管送上(盛一杯)。
- Shake with crushed ice. Strain into highball glass filled with ice. Garnish with orange slice and cherry. 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的高球杯,再用橙子片和红樱桃装饰。
- An “orange flag”, a half-moon orange slice and a speared cherry, is the standard garnish on a whisky sour. 这种鸡尾酒的装饰是使用半圆型的橙子片和樱桃。
- Shake with crushed ice. Strain into glass. Garnish with orange slice and cherry. 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入冰镇的鸡尾酒杯,再用橙子和红樱桃装饰。
- Pour juice mixture into skillet, and boil until syrupy, about 1 minute. Return beef to skillet; add orange slices and scallions. Toss until coated and heated through. Serve hot. 把调配好的果汁放入锅中,煮大约1分钟,使果汁和油混合成糖浆。把牛肉再次放入锅中,加入桔子瓣和青葱。搅拌直到牛肉表面完全被汤汁覆盖,完全热透。趁热食用。
- An "orange flag", a half-moon orange slice and a speared cherry, is the standard garnish on a whisky sour. 这种鸡尾酒的装饰是使用半圆型的橙子片和樱桃。
- Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a rocks glass filled with ice. Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry. 加冰混合入岩石杯饰橙片及樱桃。
- Use verbs such as chop, peel, slice and dice. 使用剁碎、削皮、切成薄片以及切成小方块。
- It is a mixed salad with smoked duck and orange slices. 是一种熏鸭和柳橙切片混合的沙拉。
- Chop the shallots roughly and fry it with olive oil and low fire. 红葱头略切,以橄榄油小火爆香以后,加入对半切好去籽的葡萄拌炒。
- Collins or goblet glass and garnish with lemon or orange slice. 考林杯或高脚杯,用柠檬或橙片装饰都可以。
- Fry chopped Onion and ginger,then put ribs in. 油热后放葱姜,放排骨下锅炸黄。
- What about some toast, coffee and fried eggs? 有没有烤面包、咖啡和煎鸡蛋呢?
- Cut the artichokes and red pepper and fry them. 把朝鲜蓟和辣椒切碎然后油炸。
- I recommand crispy and fried duck. 我推荐香酥鸭。
- Cut the bread into slices and remove the crust. 切面包成切片并且去除外壳。
- Stir in the freshly boiled taglierini and fry. 放入煮过之意大利扁面拌炒。
- Open it wide and layer on apple slices and salsa. 把它打开,放上苹果切片和莎拉。