- Neobarbara olivacea n. 青海云杉小卷蛾
- From October 2001 to April 2004, 2 turtles of Lepidochelys olivacea had been successfully raised after the experiments of artificial raising. 本文报道了2001年10月至2004年4月间,2只丽龟在人工饲养条件下的观察和试验结果。
- S. olivacea has setae number of 4,4 combination on both sides of the basal segment of antenna.It is different from three other species which are either 3,3 or 3,4 or 4,3 combination. 红脚蟳大眼幼体在左右第一触角基节的刚毛数均为4,4的组合,与其他三种的3,3,3,4或4,3的组合明显不同。
- There are 8 species of sea turtles in the world. From October 2001 to April 2004, 2 turtles of Lepidochelys olivacea had been successfully raised after the experiments of artificial raising. 摘要本文报道了2001年10月至2004年4月间,2只丽龟在人工饲养条件下的观察和试验结果。
- S. olivacea has setae number of 4,4 combination on both sides of the basal segment of antenna.It is different from three other species which are either “ 3,3” or “ 3,4” or “ 4,3” combination. 红脚蟳大眼幼体在左右第一触角基节的刚毛数均为4, 4的组合,与其他三种的3, 3,3, 4或4, 3的组合明显不同。
- Preliminary Study on Artificial Raising of Lepidochelys olivacea 丽龟的人工饲养初报
- The research on the development of gonad and reproductive cycle of Estellarca olivacea 橄榄蚶的性腺发育和生殖周期研究
- Neobarbara n. 云杉小卷蛾属
- Gagitodes olivacea n. 橄榄铅尺蛾
- Eugraphe olivacea n. 霉图夜蛾
- Euplexia olivacea n. 霉锦夜蛾
- Perigea olivacea n. 霉星夜蛾
- Phlogophora olivacea n. 线衫夜蛾
- Ardisia olivacea n. 榄色紫金牛
- Ferula olivacea n. 榄绿阿魏
- Gaurena olivacea n. 橄榄篝波纹蛾
- Pteris olivacea n. 长羽凤尾蕨
- Lepidochelys olivacea n. 太平洋丽龟
- Piscicola olivacea n. 橄榄鱼蛭
- Nasuella olivacea n. 长鼻浣熊