- KP竹浆无元素氯漂白 ECF Bleaching of Kraft Bamboo Pulp
- KP竹浆 bamboo kraft pulp
- 随机KP方程 Stochastic KP equation
- 带源的KP方程 KP equation with self-consistent source
- 酶处理对SGW 浆强度指标影响较小,而对KP浆强度指标影响相对较大. The effect of enzymatic treatment on the strength of KP was more obvious than on the strength of SGW.
- 竹浆 bamboo pulp
- 竹浆粕 bamboo pulp
- 竹浆纸 Indian paper
- CTMP竹浆 bamboo CTMP
- i KP协议是 IBM公司提出的一组公开的基于信用卡的安全电子支付协议 ,该文则在 i KP协议基础上提出了一组有效的公平电子商务协议 . The i KP is a secure credit card based payment protocols which is designed and opened by IBM. A set of fair electronic commerce protocols based on i KP is given in the paper.
- 竹浆织物 bamboo fabric
- 为深入了解日本落叶松的纸浆物理性能,该文以日本落叶松ASAQ浆为原料,对纸浆的漂白特性进行了系统研究,并与KP浆的漂白特性进行了比较. This paper systematically investigated bleaching properties of AS-AQ pulp of Japanese larch and compared the differences between AS-AQ pulp and KP pulp in order to understand physical properties of Japanese larch pulp.
- 竹浆废水 bamboo pulp waste water
- 竹浆纱线 bamboo pulp yarn
- 本文首先分析了各种描述回滞特性的微分方程,其中详细分析了Backlash-like模型,Preisach模型,Prandtl-Ishlinskii模型和KP模型等模型的特性。 In the thesis, several differential hysteresis models are analyzed such as Backlash-like model, Preisach model, Prandtl-Ishlinskii model and KP model.
- 竹浆纤维 bamboo pulp fiber
- Milox竹浆 Milox bamboo pulp
- 大巴竹浆厂 Thabaung bamboo pulp mill
- 硫酸盐竹浆 kraft bamboo pulp
- 高配比竹浆 high proportion of bamboo pulp