- At the same time, illegal cases have increased at fast speed, which calls for the legitimacy and indispensability of regulating from China’s Industrial and Commercial Department. 工商行政管理部门对电子商务市场的监管既有合法性,又有必要性。
- In a statement, the President's Office said he was prepared to act within the bounds of truth that he established a special team to deal with illegal cases that might emerge around the subject. 总统办公室在一次声明中表示他已经准备好用实事求是的态度来解决此事,还专门成立了一个特殊调查小组来处理由此引发的各种非法案件。
- Confirmation of an illegal case of selling expired food 一起销售过期食品案违法主体的认定分析
- Proof Criteria and Its Application in the Illegal Cases of Medical Devises 药械违法案件的证据标准与适用
- Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。
- The dictator represses all opposition as illegal. 这个独裁者把所有反对他的活动均视为非法加以镇压。
- Their speculative buying of grain is illegal. 他们投机购买谷物是不合法的。
- He admitted that he was an illegal immigrant. 他承认他是非法移民。
- Abortion is illegal in this country. 人工流产在这个国家是不合法的。
- I put down a couple of cases of claret last year. 去年我把几箱红葡萄酒放进地窖使之香醇。
- In such cases he would put on an aggrieved look. 在这样的时候,他就会装出一副可怜相。
- It's illegal to carry guns in our country. 在我们国家,携带枪支是违法的。
- It's illegal to sell opium in our country. 在我们国家,卖鸦片是违法的。
- I see parallels between the two cases. 我看这两种情况有相似处。
- It's illegal to read people's private letters without permission. 未经允许看别人的私人信件是不合法的。
- Could you use wooden cases instead? 你们能不能改用木箱?
- He went into illegal business to feather his nest. 他做非法生意以达到营私之目的。
- Abortion is illegal in some states. 堕胎在某些州是非法的。
- He always keeps several cases of wine in store. 他总是备有几箱酒。
- Put these letter in the unsolved cases file. 将这些信件放入未破案件卷宗内。