- Growth and developmentof rice 水稻生长发育
- Growth and decay are vital processes. 生长和衰亡是生命过程。
- Susceptible to transformation by growth and development. 能随成长而变形的对成长和发展的变化敏感的
- Effect of different tillage methods on rice growth and soil ecology. 不同耕作方法对水稻生长和土壤生态的影响。
- Taurus is representing growth and development. 金牛座代表成长。
- Can we sustain our growth and development ? 我们能否持续发展?
- Growth and growth hormone treatment-Anything new? 生长与生长激素治疗还有新进展吗?
- We seek personal growth and enable others to do so. 寻求个人成长同时也诲人不倦。
- Promote good growth and survival of prawn shrimp. 可提高幼虾苗生长速率及生存率。
- Uniformity and homogeneity of growth and yield. 统一生长和产出。
- Normal growth and showing green leaf. 长势正常,叶片绿色。
- Leave room for growth and avoid fixed widths. 留出增长空间,并且避免采用固定的宽度。
- HASP SRM enables business growth and profitability. HASP SRM能够使您的业务成长和收益。
- Managed growth and more controls are in the offing. 管理增长和更多控制即将来临。
- Chapter three: Overview building educates the development abroad and developmentof type of design of hall of department of architecture. 第三章:研究建筑教育在国外的发展,选取了六座建筑系馆实例解析国外建筑系馆设计类型的演变。
- Lack of vitamin A affect the body's growth and resistance to disease and can cause night blindness. 体内缺乏维生素A,会影响身体发育,降低对疾病的抵抗力,并可导致夜盲症。
- This paper presents the principle and developmentof the multiple-spark high-speed camera and YA-16 multiple-spark ca-mera, that has been developed recently. 本文介绍多闪光高速照相机的原理和发展,以及最近研制的YA-16多闪光照相机。
- Plant growth and nutrient release are directly related. 植物生长量与养分释放量是正相关的关系。
- The article explains the implementation methods of modulesin the status maintenance system combining the bug management moduleexperiences and works out a reasonable flow for the research and developmentof status maintenance management system . 然后结合缺陷管理模块介绍了状态检修管理系统各模块的实现方法,给出了一个合理的用来设计和开发状态检修管理系统各模块的流程。
- Economic growth and political democracy can develop hand in hand. 经济增长和政治民主是可以齐头并进的。