- It consists of the teachings of the Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha. 它是由佛教,释迦牟尼教所组成。
- Could the flash of wisdom that came over Siddhartha Gautama ? 悉达多·高多玛(释迦牟尼之俗姓)抓住了智慧的闪现?
- Gautama Siddhartha 瞿昙悉达
- Siddhartha Gautama, the Lord Buddha, was born in 623 B.C. in the famous gardens of Lumbini, which soon became a place of pilgrimage. 释迦牟尼佛祖于公元前623年诞生于兰毗尼一座著名的花园,后来此处就成了朝圣之地。
- Sakyamuni is the founder of Buddhism.His lay family name was Gautama and his name was Siddhartha. 佛教创始人释迦牟尼,俗姓乔答摩,名悉达多,公元前624年生于现今尼泊尔境内的蓝毗尼园。
- Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini (a town situated in modern Nepal, near the Indian border) under the full moon of May to the clan of the Shakyas, a warrior tribe. 乔达摩悉达多出生于蓝毗尼(一个现今尼泊尔和印度交界处),在五月的一个月圆之夜在释迦族(萨克耶部族),一个战士部族中诞生了。
- Gautama was a contemporary of Mahavira. 乔达摩是一个与耆那教的大雄同时代的人。
- It is where Siddhartha used to bathe. 那是悉达多以前洗澡的地方。
- In 600 B.C., around the time of the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, better known as the Buddha, India was comprised of many small communities under different rulers, some organized in to kingdoms but for the most part, in to small city states. 公元前六百年,大约是在被认为佛陀的乔达摩悉达多诞生前后的时间,印度是由很多不同统治者统治之下的小公社组成,一些组织形成了王国,但更多的部分却只是小型的城邦。
- But Siddhartha took care of the swan until its wounds healed. 悉达多太子照顾天鹅,直到它伤势痊愈。
- Gautama Buddha realised that his bodily end was fast approaching. 乔达摩佛意识他的身体将会完结。
- Golden-faced Gautama really disregarded his listeners. 无门曰、黄面瞿昙、傍若无人。
- Siddhartha just smiled and told Govinda to kiss his forehead. 悉达多只是微笑着让葛文达吻他的前额。
- Siddhartha is the man who later became known as the Buddha. 悉达多就是后来成为了佛的人。
- Siddhartha's place in life seemed more important than ever. 悉达多在生活中的位置似乎从未显得如此重要。
- Siddhartha thought he might find his own answers in such a simple lifestyle. 悉达多认为以这种简单的生活方式生活,也许自己就能找到答案。
- Siddhartha liked to watch what was happening and think about different things. 悉达多喜欢观察所发生的事情以及思考各种不同事情。
- Siddhartha not only found his own peace, but also brought peace to others. 悉达多不仅自己找到了心灵的平静,也将平和带给他人。
- Life in the town had left a taste of a bitter poison in Siddhartha's mouth. 城镇的生活就像苦涩的毒药,让悉达多痛苦不已。
- Siddhartha realized that his life as a Samana left him feeling empty. 悉达多发觉苦行僧的生活让他感到空虚。