- Dorset mutton sheep 陶塞特肉羊
- The perfect project for New Mutton Sheep Breed in the north of China at Microsatellite DNA molecular level is that using Poll Dorset as male parent and SmallTail Han sheep and Mongolian sheep as female parent. 从微卫星DNA分子水平进一步说明在北方肉用绵羊新品种培育中,用无角陶赛特羊作为主选父本,小尾寒羊和蒙古羊为主选母本的杂交组合是较为理想的选择,并为建立北方肉用绵羊新品种分子标记辅助选择技术体系打下坚实的基础。
- Wuhan is there a lot of fresh mutton sheep, bones, YangZaSui? 武汉在哪有大量的新鲜羊肉,羊骨头,羊杂碎?
- Mutton sheep use of fulvic acid complex concentrate (for animal) results in the table below. 肉用羊食用复合黄腐酸浓缩液(动物用)后,效果见下表。
- Therefore, it is feasible to scheme of new breeding population of mutton sheep which crossing fixed was selected ideally the three-crossbreed or second-crossbreed. 因此,选择理想型的三代或二代杂种羊进行横交固定培育新品种的技术方案是可行的。
- Boer goats, Small Tail Han sheep, purebred Boer goats, pregnant ewes, lamb, mutton sheep fattening, Charolais sheep, Dorper sheep, hornless Taose sheep, livestock and other fine seeds. 波尔山羊、小尾寒羊、纯种波尔山羊、怀胎母羊、羊羔、育肥肉羊、夏洛莱羊、杜泊绵羊、无角陶塞羊、等优良畜牧良种。
- Pingliang mutton sheep foam material selected desert, also known as sheep stations, succulent and deliciousfei nen to take the "single-take", that is, respectively, lamb and steamed into the bubble. 平凉羊肉泡漠选取料羊,也叫站羊,肉质肥嫩可口,采取“单走”,即羊肉和泡馍分别送上。
- Prevention of main Disease in Mutton Sheep 肉绵羊重点疫病的预防
- Study on the Mutton Sheep Industry in the World 世界肉羊业生产及贸易研究
- Effects of CMP compound feed on black mutton sheep 复合微生物制剂CMP复合饲料对黑色肉羊补饲增重效果
- long-wooled mutton sheep originally from Lincolnshire. 原产于林肯郡的长毛肉绵羊。
- Fish doesn't go well with mutton. 鱼和羊肉在一起不好吃。
- Main behavior traits of Mutton Sheep under shed conditions 舍饲条件下肉用绵羊的主要行为特征
- Please warm(up) yesterday's mutton. 请把昨天的羊肉热一下。
- The Trait of a Mutton Sheep, Sulffolk, and Its Utilization Ways 萨福克肉羊的特征特性及开发利用途径
- The dog that molested the sheep was killed. 那只骚扰绵羊的狗被杀死了。
- The sheep were surrounded by stockade. 羊被栅栏圈着。
- People like to have mutton in the winter. 冬天人们喜欢吃羊肉。
- For primer 2-2, three genotypes (GG, GH and HH) were detected in Dorset and German Mutton Merino sheep, genotype GG was detected in other three sheep breeds. 引物2-2,多赛特羊和德国肉用美利奴羊出现GG、GH和HH基因型,而其余3个绵羊品种只出现GG基因型;
- The dog got among the sheep and killed many. 那只狗走入羊群并咬死了很多羊。