- Ram, R., (1995) Defence Expenditure and Economic Growth.In Handbook of Defence Economics, Vol. 1, Hartley, K. and Sandier, T. (eds.). 胡鞍钢、刘涛雄,(2005)中国国防支出对经济增长的影响:一个两部门外部性模型,中国国防经济,第1期,第15-22页。
- National Defence Economics of China 中国国防经济学
- national defence economic statistics 国防经济统计
- national defence economic structure 国防经济结构
- national defence economic decision-making 国防经济决策
- national defence economic applied theory 国防经济应用理论
- Dynamo's defence looks disorganize. 迪纳摩队的防守看起来已瓦解了。
- I have mastered the rudiments of economics. 我已精通经济学的基本原理。
- A lot of money is spent on defence. 国防方面的开支很大。
- They finally cracked the defence and scored a goal. 他们终於突破了防守,射进一球。
- They took up arms in defence of their country. 他们拿起武器保卫祖国。
- He has been brought in to strengthen the defence. 已请他来加强后卫力量。
- They planned the defence of the town. 他们订出了该城的防御计划。
- The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak. 辩护律师提出理由认为证据不充分。
- She spoke up in defence of her beliefs. 她大胆地为自己的信仰辩护。
- Economics is easy after you learn the lingo. 在学了专门术语后经济学就简单了。
- He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics. 他以经济学方面的精湛学识而著称於世。
- The defence entered a plea of insanity. 被告方申辩(案发时)精神失常。
- The government has reduced its expense on defence. 政府减少了国防开支。
- She is studying economics at college. 她在大学里读经济学。