- Cutlass Ciera 卡特拉斯-西拉牌汽车
- Lowering springs for a 94 Cutlass Supreme? 降低弹簧94 cutlass至高无尚的?
- Our ships are in pursuit. Justice will be dispensed by cannonade and cutlass... 我们的船只已经出发,炮击和短剑将被会伸张正义……
- At the same time, observing Gray to be unarmed, I handed him my cutlass . 突然,我发现格雷没有武器,便把我的弯刀给了他。
- Burning with jealousy, Rackham one day confronted the two, cutlass drawn. 拉克姆有一天忍不住炽烈醋意,走到两人跟前,短刀出鞘。
- Bloodthirsty and elegant, the Sea-Elvish Pirates is a strange mixture of water and blood, wind and cutlass. 嗜血而优雅的海洋精灵海盗们是水与血、风与刃的奇妙的结合体。
- Meanwhile a third pirate appeared suddenly in the doorway, and fell with his cutlass on the doctor. 这时,第三个海盗突然出现在门口,举着他的腰刀扑向医生。
- He had an alarming way now when he was drunk of drawing his cutlass and laying it bare before him on the table. 他现在只要一喝醉酒,就会拔出他的水手弯刀,将它放在面前的桌上,使别人都对他退避三舍。
- There was a resounding clash as blade struck blade, Whiskers holding his own with his trusty cutlass. 只听得乒乒乓乓,兵刃碰撞声不绝,茅十八手挥单刀,已跟人斗了起来。
- There was fierce struggle, in which the 3)cutlass was torn from the pirate's grasp. 经过激烈的搏斗,海盗斯塔奇手中的弯刀被打掉了。
- There was fierce struggle, in which the cutlass was torn from the pirate's grasp. 经过激烈的搏斗,海盗手中的弯刀被打掉了。
- Take a cutlass, him that dares, and I'll see the colour of his inside, crutch and all, before that pipe's empty. 虽然我只有一条腿,我要在一袋烟烧光之前,让他白刀子进去,红刀子出来。”
- The evil pirate grinned wickedly down at them, gesturing grandly with his cutlass. 邪恶海盗笑坏透了他们,指着他的弯刀隆重。
- Mechanically I obeyed, turned eastwards, and with my cutlass raised, ran round the corner of the house. Next moment I was face to face with Anderson. 我机械地服从命令,举着弯刀向东绕过屋角,结果劈面碰上了安德森。
- Lu Xun carried with him not a twelve-foot lance, nor a Green Dragon cutlass, but a jeweled sword of tempered steel whose name was "Cosmic Blade". 鲁迅所持非丈二长矛,亦非青龙大刀,乃炼钢宝剑,名宇宙锋。
- Shown below was a custom order made by German customer, including a two handed axe that was 1.4 Meter long, 1.4 Kg and a basket-hilted cutlass. 以下是一位德国客人的订制品;当中包括一枝双手斧头;1.;4米长;1
- Following Korea, the Captain was assigned to the development and deployment of the Navy's new Chance Vougth F-7U Cutlass fighter. 在朝鲜战争后,希尔瑞上校分配到海军新F-7U的研制发展工作。
- Pork, powder, and biscuit was the cargo, with only a musket and a cutlass apiece for the squire and me and Redruth and the captain. 这圈栅栏未设门或出口,非常的牢固,进攻者若想拆毁它,正经得费些时间和力气,并且还开阔得无处藏身。
- First, there was a belt to go round each animal, and then a sword to be stuck into each belt, and then a cutlass on the other side to balance it. 他先在每人腰间系一根皮带。皮带上插一把剑,又在另一侧插一把弯刀,以求平衡。然后发给每人一对手枪,一根警棍。
- While another of the men held a cutlass to her neck, he plucked the red cloth from the head of the pseudo bride and draped it over hers. 敖彪横过钢刀架在她后颈。吴立身赞礼道:“新郎新娘拜天!”