- Stel &Good Newz Particle Disk 2 1. 我在音乐早班车中听过,很想知道歌曲的名字。
- Well,some number shows at the mark of Lisboa,people yelled with it changed: 5 4 3 2 1....... 我们跑到路上,看见永力和葡京的标志牌,都在变换着数字,开始倒计时了!5 4 3 2 1。。。。。
- The within-run precision of QCs was characterized by RSD of 4 2% to 6 6%. 批内精密度为 4 2%25 - 6 6%25 ;
- The behavioral and psychological symptoms of AD patients: the nun cognitive portion of ADAS scores fell 4 2 points, and the behavioral and psychological symptoms of Blessed Roth scores declined 1 4 points(P respectively <0 05,and 0 01). 患者的精神行为异常 :ADAS的非认知行为部分减少 4 .;2分;Blessed-Roth的人格部分降低 1
- Besides,CSE could stimulate the occurrence of apoptosis from 2 1% to 23 0%. 同时凋亡发生率由2 1%25增至 2 3 0%25。
- Fruit moniliform, stipitate, with 2-4 cylindric-ellipsoid articles ca. 2 1 cm. 念珠状的果,具柄,具节2-4圆筒状椭圆形约厘米。
- Results positive LCT of effective platelet transfusion in ALL and ANLL was 7 6% and 4 2%, respectively. 结果血小板输注有效的急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)及急性非淋巴细胞白血病(ANLL)检测LCT阳性率分别为76%25及42%25;
- Tri n butyl citricate(TBC)was synthesized with zeolite supported ZrO 2 Dy 2O 3/SO 4 2 solid super acids(ZDSH) as catalysts. 用固体超强酸催化剂(ZrO2?Dy2O3/SO42 -?沸石分子筛) 催化合成柠檬酸三丁酯(TBC) 。
- Small interatomic distances encountered: 2 1 NaN Atoms too close.Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/... 最近给同学优化一个比较大的分子,总是不能优化好,报错L202,却不知道怎么调整初始结构。
- IBM Journal of Research and Development 2 1 (1977), pp. 350-359, 496. GJ Chaitin Abstract This paper reviews ... 被引用次数:801-相关文章-网页搜索-图书馆搜索-所有11个版本
- Electrodeposition of Sn from SnCl 2 1 butylpyridinium chloride (BPC) ambient temperature molten salt electrolytes was studied. 在测定了室温型SnCl2 BPC熔盐的物理、电化学性质的基础上 ,进行了镀锡的研究。
- For different exposures,the MPFs are:36 2% for linden,26 3% for fir,15 7% for lacebark pine,9 6% for birch and 2 1% for polar. 五种软木的接尘工人微核阳性率:椴木36.;2%25,冷杉26
- Meanwhile, we propose some descriptions on (2, 1)-coloring of outerplanar graphs with and without cut vertices, respectively. 并分别给出了无割点极大外可平面 图和有割点极大外可平面图(2, 1)-可染的刻画.
- Dreamweaver MX,Fireworks 4 2. 客户端需要安装.
- Adumbrative move enters this kind of tendercy 2 1 century, will spread out between beautiful, Europe, day new round of contend. 这种动向预示着进入 2 1世纪 ,美、欧、日之间将展开新一轮角逐。
- Methods ATL HDI 3000 ultrasonic system with C 4 2 superwide frequency transducer was available. Fifty eight cases were examined by 3D CPA and classified by TNM stage in order to assess prognostic value of 3D CPA for PLC. 方法 采用ATL HDI30 0 0超声仪 ,C4 2 超宽频探头 ,对 5 8例肝癌进行三维彩色血管能量成像 (3D CPA)检查 ,并对其进行TNM分期 ,以评价 3D CPA在肝癌预后评估中的价值。
- Bachelor degree, major in electronics, computer sciences or related fields ( Key university)2、1 or 2 years FAE...... ... 公司名称:晓龙贸易(深圳)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-6-12
- The method of pretreatment to determine trace amounts of Br ,NO 3 and SO 4 2 in sea water by ion chromatography was proposed, by which the electrolysing argentine electrode was used to minimize the disturbance of Cl -. 提出一种采用电解银电极降低海水中大量Cl 的浓度的前处理法 ;以便海水中微量的Br ;NO3 以及SO4 2 可以采用快速、灵敏的离子色谱法检测 .
- According to the angle of different well array and fracture , we have determined two kinds of infill manners of "3. 2 1" and "triangle centre of gravity" . 根据不同井排与裂缝夹角,确定了“3、2、1”和“三角形重心”两种加密方式。
- In a lot of challenge that place of China of 2 1 century faces, "3 farming " problem (agriculture, country, farmer) it is a the grimmest challenge probably. 2 1世纪中国所面临的诸多挑战中 ,“三农”问题 (农业、农村、农民 )大概是最严重的一个挑战。