- 阴丹士林咔叽2G indanthrene khaki 2G
- 由这身破军衣,他想起自己原来穿着的白布小褂与那套阴丹士林蓝的夹裤褂; He thought of this white cotton shirt and indigo blue lined suit.
- 在深地色棉织物上用阴丹士林染料进行色拔印花,以获得直接印花法不能达到的印花效果。 Colored discharge printing of deep ground cotton fabric was carried out with indanthrene dyes. The printing effect which can not be got by direct printi ng method now was realized.
- 咔叽 khaki
- 咔叽布 khaki
- 是的,世界上还有许多比阴丹士林蓝更体面的东西,可是祥子知道自己混到那么干净利落已经是怎样的不容易。 Of course in this world there are many things smarter than indigo blue cloth, but Xiangzi knew how difficult it had been for him to reach even that level of cleanliness and sprucenness.
- 黄褐色咔叽军装 khaki uniforms
- 硫化咔叽150 sulphur khaki 150
- 硫化咔叽150% sulphur khaki 150%25
- 牛仔裤。 咔叽布短裤。 jeans and .khaki slacks;
- 他就在这厨房里同她在一起,白衬衫,灰长发,咔叽布裤子,棕色凉鞋,银手镯,银项链。 He was here with her, right in this kitchen, in his white shirt, long gray hair, khaki slacks, brown sandals, silver bracelet, and silver chain around his neck.
- 白色封领衬衫,袖子刚好卷到胳膊肘,浅咔叽布裤子,棕色凉鞋,银手镯,衬衫头两个扣子敞着,露出银项链。 White button-down-collar shirt, sleeves rolled up to just above the elbow, light khaki slacks, brown sandals, silver bracelet, top two buttons of his shirt open, silver chain.
- 金凯穿着褪色的莱维牌裤子,磨损了的野地靴,一件咔叽布衬衫,桔黄色背带,在宽宽的皮带上持着一把带刀鞘的瑞士刀。 Kincaid wore faded Levi's, well-used Red Wing field boots, a khaki shirt, and orange suspenders. On his wide leather belt was fastened a Swiss Army knife in its own case.
- 终于他站了起来,他穿上了旧牛仔裤,干净的咔叽布衬衫上两条桔黄色的背带,那双红翼牌靴子扎得很紧,腰里插着那把瑞士军刀。 Finally he stood. He had his old jeans on, with orange suspenders running over a clean khaki shirt, his Red Wing boots were laced tight, the Swiss Army knife was on his belt.
- 她走进厨房时,他已坐在那里,旁边放着背包和冷藏箱,穿了一件干净的咔叽布衬衫,桔色背带从上面挂下来,桌上放着三架相机和五个镜头,还有一包新的骆驼牌香烟。 When she came into the kitchen, he was sitting there with his knapsacks and cooler, wearing a clean khaki shirt, with the orange suspenders running over it. On the table were three cameras and five lenses, and a fresh package of Camels.