- 血管闭合器Boomerang vascular closer device Boomerang
- 血管闭合器 LigaSure
- Angioseal血管闭合器 Angioseal closure
- Angio-Seal血管闭合器 Anglo- Seal vascular closing device
- 心导管术后应用血管闭合器疗效观察与护理 The Efficacy of Angio-seal in Patients after Catheterization Procedure and Nursing
- 应用血管闭合器后不同制动时间对病人舒适度的影响 Effect on patients'comfort degree according to the different time of the operative limb at rest after using blood vessel suture instrument
- 闭合 close
- 增压器 supercharger
- 变换器 convertor
- 订书器 laminater
- 血管闭合装置 Vascular closure device
- 执行器 performer
- 补偿器 compensator
- 闭合的 occlusive
- 比较器 comparator
- 便器 Jordan
- 结扎速血管闭合系统 ligasure sealing system
- 振动器 oscillator
- 闭门器 door closer
- Ligasure血管闭合系统 ligasure vessel sealing system