- 组态软件InTouch Configuration software lnTouch
- 论述了某邮局悬挂分拣机控制系统的设计与实现 ,以及可编程控制器 (PLC) ,Intouch组态软件的运用 This paper investigates the realization and design of the control system for hang classifying machine of post office. PLC and Intouch software are also studied.
- 系统输煤程控的人机界面用InTouch组态软件编制,Matlab完成配比计算,动态数据交换DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange)实现数据交换连接。 Its HMI is programmed with InTouch configuration software,the ratio is calculated with Matlab and the data exchange is done using DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange).
- 一种节约组态软件点数的方法在船舶机舱监测报警系统中的应用 Application of a Method that Can Save the Configuration Software Memory in the Monitoring Alarm System of Cabin
- 基于动态数据交换的组态软件与Matlab应用程序间的通信 Dynamic Data Exchange Based Communication Between Configuration Software and Matlab Application Program
- 面向过程的编译和解释环境在工控组态软件系统中的应用 The Application of Process faced Compiler and Interpreter in Industry Control Configuration Software
- 基于MCGS组态软件的汽车制动ABS电控示教系统设计与实现 Design and Implementation of Automobile ABS Electronic Controlling and Teaching Demonstrating System Based on MCGS Configuration Software
- 组态软件 configuration software
- 组态软件在中温中压锅炉在线智能监测与管理系统中的应用 Configuration Application in Online Intelligent Monitoring and Management System in Medium Temperature and Medium Pressure Boilers
- Web组态软件 Web configuration software (CS)
- 多组态软件 various configuration software
- 本文介绍了一种基于fix组态软件和现场总线的管控一体化系统。 This paper introduces a kind of integration system of management and control based on the FIX and field-bus.
- 天工组态软件 Tian-Gong Software
- 组态软件GENIE configuration software GENIE
- 控制组态软件 control configuration software
- MCGS组态软件 MCGS configuration software
- iFIX组态软件 iFIX configuration software
- 工控组态软件 industrial control configuration software
- 图形组态软件 graphic configuration software
- 组态软件WinCC WinCC