- 多Agent间协作机制 mechanism of cooperation among multi-agents
- 电子商务就是多Agent系统(MAS)主要应用领域之一,它提供了测试Agent间贸易、协商、通讯和互助的理想平台。 Electronic Commerce is one of the main domains for multi-agent system application, it provides an ideal domain in which to test concepts in agent to agent trade, negotiation, communication and cooperation.
- 更多 more
- 多 multi-
- 协作机制评价 coordination mechanism evaluation
- 工业内部间协作 inter-industrial cooperations
- 最多 maximum
- 从Agent联合入手,引入熟人关系,对Agent间的交互以及关系值对熟人关系的影响进行了详细讨论. In this paper from the agent coalition which loads to the acquaintance,that agents interaction and the relation value relating to the acquaintance of influence have been discussed in detail.
- 协作 cooperation
- 多个 multi-
- 共同建立规范国有控股股东行为的监管协作机制 Jointly establish a supervision and coordination mechanism for regulating the acts of state controlling shareholders
- 更多的 added
- 太多 tanto
- 一个基于Agent实现虚拟企业域间协作的框架 An Agent-based Framework for Cross-domain Cooperation of Virtual Enterprise
- 好多 (adj) many
- 多年 many years
- 协作机制 coordination mechanism
- 多云 cloudy
- 管理控制论在企业间协作中应用的实证研究 An empirical research on application of managerial cybernetics in inter-organizational coordination
- 那么多 tanto