- 您再来一块蛋糕好吗?
Would you care for another piece of cake?
- 只剩下一块饼了。
There's only one piece of cake left.
- 岩石一块块顺著山的陡坡滚落到地面。
Pieces of rock plummeted down the mountainside to the ground below.
- 我被掉下来的一块建筑用石块砸伤。
I was hurt by a piece of falling masonry.
- 他的脚在一块碎玻璃上划了一个大口子。
He gashed his foot on a piece of broken glass.
- 这孩子拿到了一块糖。
The baby was given a piece of candy.
- 他把蛋糕切成块,给我们每人分了一块。
He cut the cake into pieces and gave each of us a wedge.
- 他发现一块古代鸟类的化石。
He found a piece of fossil of an ancient bird.