- 香港西铁 Hong Koug West Rail
- 地铁九龙站平台。 The podium of the MTRC Kowloon Station.
- 香港 Hong Kong
- 站 station
- 西 west
- 香港西铁浮置板轨道施工技术 Construction technology of floating slab track for Hong Kong West Railway
- 为符合营运需求,位于地铁九龙站现有平台南北两面的通风井(1及S1)须进行改善工程。 Due to operational requirement, two ventilation shafts( N1 and S1) located at the northern and southern side of the existing podium of the MTRC Kowloon Station shall be modified.
- 香港西铁全长钢护筒钻孔灌注桩施工技术 Cast-in-site bored pile technology by steel sleeve for West Railway of Hong Kong
- 在西九龙区,特别是旺角区一带,渠务署正在推展一个全面计划,改善这区的雨水排放系统。 On West Kowloon,in particular the Mong Kok area,a comprehensive programme for upgrading the drainage system is under way.
- 站内 instation
- 九龙 Kowloon
- 香港西铁维修中心成套设备研制与交钥匙程序 The project of complete sets of equipment for HK West Railway maintenance center and turn-key procedure
- 主站 primary station
- 站起来 rise to one's feet
- 香港人 Hong Kong person|people
- 西的 western
- 本站 home station
- 在昨日的本年最后一次卖地,长实以十三亿四千万投得西九龙临海地王,击倒四个竞投对手。 Cheung Kong( Holdings) beat four rivals to take a prime residential site on the West Kowloon waterfront for%241.34 billion at yesterday's final Government auction for this year.
- 站出来 stand out
- 西兰花 broccoli