- 在美术陈列室里发生的火灾迫使展览会提前结束。
A fire in the gallery caused the premature closing of the exhibition.
- 现在让我陪你参观我们的产品陈列室。
Now let me show you around our product exhibition room.
- 我们各种型号的汽车现正在贵区陈列室里展出。
Our entire range of cars is now on view at your local showroom.
- 我们的陈列室位于商业中心,可为商品陈列与示范操作提供非常有利的条件。
Our showrooms, situated in the business center, offer admirable facilities for display and demonstration.
- 警方将被盗的珠宝交还给了陈列室。
Police restored the stolen jewels to the showroom.