- 迎 to welcome
- 跸 to clear streets when emperor tours
- 警跸 a herald who clears the emperor's road
- 驻跸 stay temporarily; stop over; put up
- 女王的王宫及驻跸处均有王旗为识。 The royal standard flies when the Queen is in residence.
- 迎亲 send a party to escort the bride to the groom's home
- 女王的王宫及驻跸处均有国旗飘扬。 The flag flies when the Queen is in residence.
- 迎新年 play the new year in
- 女王的王宫及驻跸处均有王旗为识. The royal standard flies when the Queen is in residence.
- 学生忙着复习迎考。 The students are busy reviewing for a test.
- 大足石刻艺术博物馆三教神佛的人间驻跸 Dazu Rock Carving Art Museum Shedding Brilliant Light of Buddhism to the World
- 迎着 in face of; towards
- 一个富有文化内涵的新型城市广场--铁岭驻跸文化广场规划设计赏析 A New Style City Plaza with Rich Cultural Meaning--Admire and Analyze on TieLinZhuBi Cultural Plaza
- 学生们忙于温课迎考。 The students are busy revising for the examination.
- 上门迎亲。 The bridegroom goes to the bride's home to escort her to the wedding.
- 笑迎友人 salute a friend with a smile
- 鸡啼鸟鸣迎黎明。 The singing of the birds heralded in the day.
- 迎奥运 welcome the Olympics
- 他对彼此相见一直忐忑不安,可是她热情相迎使他很快就无拘无束了。 He had been dreading their meeting but her warm welcome soon put him at his ease.
- 迎着风暴 to head into a storm