- 电梯乘运质量 Elevator Ride Comfort
- 航空乘运与旅游商务专业 Air Service and Tourism Business
- 第二百九十四条旅客应当持有效客票乘运。 The passenger shall board the mode of transportation with a valid passenger ticket.
- 乘 multiply
- 越级 bypass the immediate leadership
- 运单 freight note
- 乘以 multiply ... by ...
- 运势 luck tendency
- 乘机 (adv) seize the opportunity
- 发运 departure
- 越级指挥 Commanding Bypass the Immediate Echelon
- 乘飞机 emplane
- 他不经过直接上司而越级向总经理申诉。 He went over his immediate supervisor's head to complain to the general manager.
- 阶乘 factorial
- 运出 ship out
- 他越级了 He overstepped his place.
- 速运 dispatch
- 越级呈 submit ... over the head of the direct superior
- 乘火车 entrain
- 运会 National Games