- 请问服务处在哪里? Where is the service desk?
- 我从中国来看女儿女婿。我不会讲英语,现在需要帮助。请问服务台或美联航的转机服务处在哪里? I come from China to visit my daughter. I don't speak English. Would you please tell me where is the Information counter or the Connecting Flights Counter of UA?
- 观光服务处在什么地方? Where is the tourist information office?
- 在哪里 where
- 业务选择来支持和公开的服务处在这一层。 The services the business chooses to fund and expose reside in this layer.
- 请问 may I ask ...
- 你让我把它转交给塔洛克小姐,可是你忘记告诉我她住在哪里了。 You ask me to forward it to Miss Tullock but forgot to give her address .
- 嗨,John,我是MaryLee,你在哪里? Hi, John. This is Mary Lee speaking. Where are you?
- 请问,洗手间在哪里? Could you direct me to the lavatory, please?
- 你现在在哪里? Where are you now?
- 楼梯在哪里呢? Where are the stairs?
- 这句引语我仿佛在哪里见到过,但我不能确定它的作者是谁。 I seem to recognize the quotation, but I can't pin it down to its author.
- 请问女厕所在哪里? Excuse me, where is the powder room?
- 如果我知道小说在哪里,我就会给你了,但是它好像不在我手头上。 I would give you the novel now if I knew where it was, but I don't seem to have it to hand.
- 你知道会议在哪里召开吗? Do you know where the conference is to be held?
- 请问邮局在哪里? Could you tell me where the post office is?
- 没有人知道亨利在哪里,也没有人知道他究竟是死了还是仍活在人世。 No one knows where Henry is, nor if he is dead or alive.
- 水一事实上是从这边什么地方漏出来的。你能找到漏洞在哪里吗? The water must be running out somewhere on this side.Can you locate the leak?
- 请问您在哪里上车吗? Could you tell me where you began your journey?
- 你在哪里? Where are you?