- 他们出示了一些统计数字来支持他们的论点。
They showed some statistical evidence to support their argument.
- 我能驳倒他的论点。
I was able to refute his argument.
- 她需要改进阐述其论点的方式。
She needs to improve her presentation of the arguments.
- 最后一部分总结了双方的全部论点。
The last section sums up all the arguments on either side.
- 我认为你最后的那个论点是在转移目标,以便我们忘掉要点。
I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.
- 他那有力的论点驳得对手哑口无言。
His forceful arguments reduced his opponents to silence.
- 你有任何统计资料可以加强你的论点吗?
Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument?