- 这班机是经纽约飞往芝加哥的。
This flight is routed to Chicago via New York.
- 他去芝加哥的世界博览会去碰碰运气。
He went to Chicago to try his luck in the World's Fair.
- 这班火车今晚十一时可达芝加哥。
This train gets to Chicago at eleven o'clock tonight.
- 据说他已搬去芝加哥。
He is said to have moved to Chicago.
- 这个航班被安排经纽约飞往芝加哥。
The flight is routed to Chicago via New York.
- 她打电报说她已顺利到达芝加哥。
She cabled the good news about her arrival in Chicago.