- 波士顿马拉松赛 Boston Marathon
- 案 table
- 中学时我的作品经常展出,我三年级画的波士顿马拉松赛水彩画参加全市比赛获得一百美元奖金。 In high school I often had my work displayed, and in junior year my watercolor of the Boston Marathon13 won %24100 in a citywide contest.
- 北京正阳门车站爆炸案 explosion accident at Zhengyang Men Station in Beijing
- 沙姆沙伊赫连环爆炸案解析 A Brief Analysis of the Series of Explosions in Sharm el-Sheik
- 1907年,科勒迈宁参加了自己的第一个马拉松赛;1917年,他获得波士顿马拉松赛的第四名;1920年,他在安特卫普奥运会马拉松赛上获得金牌。 Kolehmainen finished 4th in the 1917 Boston Marathon, and in 1920 at Antwerp, he won the gold medal in the marathon.
- 泛美103航班爆炸案即将作出判决 Pan Am 103 Verdict Due to Be Rendered
- 波士顿 Boston
- 孟买列车爆炸案展开首批逮捕行动 First Arrests in Mumbai Train Bombings
- 拍案 strike the table
- 马尼拉五起连环爆炸案导致14人死亡 14 Die in Manila bomb explosions
- 波士顿的 bostonian
- 马拉松跑者用耐力来弥补速度的不足。 A marathon runner counterbalances lack of speed with endurance.
- 案文 text
- 波士顿大学 Boston University
- 他创造了马拉松赛跑的全国新记录。 He set up a new national record in the marathon race.
- 爆炸事故的罹难者于上周举行了葬礼。 The victims of the explosion were buried last week.
- 销案 close a case; bring a case to a close
- 二十年代唐在波士顿工作。 Don worked in Boston in the twenties.
- 爆炸中桥被炸得粉碎。 The explosion blew the bridge to smithereens.