- 木柴已劈好并捆在一起了。
The firewood was cut and bundled (together).
- 他们拣拾木柴以补充煤的不足。
They eked out their coal by collecting firewood.
- 在冬天,我们用木柴生火。
In winner, we use firewood to light fire.
- 森林里有充裕的薪柴可用。
There is abundant firewood in the forest.
- 一些人离开营地去寻找木柴。
One group left the camp to forage for firewood.
- 木柴太湿,点不着。
The firewood was so wet that we couldn't get it alight.
- 樵夫背着柴火下山了。
The woodsman carried the firewood down the hill.