- 我们有时去海滩,有时在院子里做日光浴。
Sometimes we went to the beach and at other times we sunbathed on the patio.
- 我们在沙滩待了一周之後,对日光浴已兴致大减。
The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall (on us) after a week on the beach.
- 沙滩上挤满了作日光浴的人们。
The beach was crowded with sunbathers.
- 我作了日光浴後,皮肤有些脱落了。
After sunbathing, my skin began to peel.
- 做日光浴的人呈大字形躺在草地上。
Sunbathers lay spread-eagled on the grass.