由于某种外部事件使进程(例如一个计算机程序的执行)暂时挂起的一种现象,而且所中止的进程能重新恢复正常的运行。 A suspension of a process, such as the execution of a computer program, caused by an event external to that process, and performed in such a way that the process can be resumed.
在交互对话期间,终端设备外观上不再对外联系或进行任何工作的一种状态。当系统挂起时,用户可能认为系统已经崩溃。 A state during an interactive session in which, the terminal appears to be going nowhere or doing nothing. When the system is hang up, users might think that it has crashed.
他帮助我把帽子,大衣挂起来。 He helped to hang up my cap and coat.
玛丽把图片歪着挂起来,因为这样更有趣。 Mary hung the picture off center because it was more interesting that way.