- 那样的天气情况打消了任何打猎的念头。
The weather conditions ruled out any chance of hunting that day.
- 威廉姆斯先生热衷于打猎。
Mr. Williams goes in for hunting.
- 他邀请我们到他乡下的庄园去过一次打猎的周末。
He invited us to his country estate for a weekend shoot.
- 他们带一群猎狗去打猎。
They went hunting with a pack of hounds.
- 男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。
The boys went hunting with their falcon.
- 两年前我用步枪打猎。
I hunted with a musket two years ago.
- 那位猎人同意明天带我们去打猎。
The hunter agreed to take us to go hunting tomorrow.
- 他靠打猎谋生。
He earns a living by hunting.