- 英国广播公司计画播放莎士比亚的全部戏剧。
The BBC plans to televise all Shakespeare's plays.
- 主席的讲话将向全国广播。
The chairman's speech will be broadcast nationwide.
- 我是一名广播电台的听众。
I am a broadcasting auditor.
- 英国广播公司向全世界播送节目。
The BBC broadcasts all over the world.
- 这是某党派选举前的政治广播节目。
Here is a political party broadcast before an election.
- 有些人可能认为无线电广播在广播事业中稍逊一筹。
Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting.
- 这次广播是事先录音的,不是现场直播。
The broadcast was recorded, not live.
- 她发表时事广播演说。
She broadcasts on current affairs.