- 广义Melnikov方法 extended Melnikov method
- Melnikov方法 Melnikov method
- Melnikov函数 Melnikov function
- 本文应用Melnikov函数及随机动力学的现代理论和方法,研究船舶在随机横浪中的非线性横摇运动和倾覆问题。 Nonlinear rolling motion and capsizing of ships in random beam seas areinvestigated combining the Melnikov function and modern theory of stochasticdynamics.
- 广义对偶单纯形方法 A Generalized Dual Simplex Method
- 引进了一种新的训练方法。 A new training method was introduced.
- 他们商议扩展业务的最好方法。 They conferred on the best way to expand business.
- 太多高中老师只是采用填鸭方法灌输学生。 Too many high school teachers just spoon-feed their students.
- 我喜欢这一种英语教授方法。 I prefer this system of teaching English.
- 约束广义最小平方法 constrained GLS
- 你知道其他增加变化的方法吗? What other ways do you know to add variety?
- 这些方法已废而不用了。 These methods have fallen into disuse.
- 他们用抽签的方法来决定谁先开始。 They drew lots to decide who should begin.
- 许多现代机器革新了耕作方法。 Many modern machines have revolutionized farming.
- 一种完全不同的方法 a radically different approach
- 各种不同的方法 a great diversity of methods
- 一个奇怪的方法 a quaint method
- 那个诊所的治疗方法适合个别需要。 The clinic tailors its treatment to individual needs.
- 我用科学的方法来达到这一目的。 I used the scientific method to attain this end.
- 我们观察这些问题的方法并不一致。 Our ways of looking at these problems don't mesh.