- 无 none
- 无法 unable
- 不将核武器部署在现尚无核武器的国家领土上的特设工作组 Ad Hoc Working Group on the Non-Stationing of Nuclear Weapons in the Territories of States Where There are no Such Weapons
- 无标题 no title
- 有多少人将要失业,这一问题尚无定论? How many people will lose their job be an open question?
- 尚无人用此商标,所以这个名字可以使用。 Nobody has a trademark on it so the name is open.
- "到目前为止在挪威、瑞典、丹麦和芬兰尚无SARS的确诊病例。 There have been no confirmed cases of SARS in Norway, Sweden, Denmark or Finland.
- 对付百日咳现尚无预防方法。 There is no protection against parapertussis.
- 尚无成就的 unestablished
- 尚无经验的 unblooded
- 此问题尚无一致的解决办法。 There is as yet no uniform way of solving this problem.
- 我们尚无立刻进攻的时机。 Our immediate capacity for an offensive was nil.
- 对于这种激烈的措施,人们尚无准备。 People are not ready for such drastic actions.
- 对副百日咳现尚无预防方法。 There is no protection against parapertussis.
- 这是个至今尚无人知的事实。 This is a fact hitherto unknown.
- 尚无官方确认。 No official confirmation to date, although announcements are expected imminently.
- 三个和尚无水吃 Everybody's business is nobody's business; Too many cooks spoil the broth; Two's company, three's none
- 人们尚无前人的资料可供借鉴。 People had no previous information to guide them.
- 目前尚无引用标准。 There are no normative references at present.
- 尚无收益的选择权 out of the money